Learn to Navigate Life to Your Own Satisfaction,
and to Fill Your Own Heart Yourself.
This website is a book about how to ‘Become all you could be’, and how to use your own heart to identify, realize and use your own potential to flourish, flower and Become. This will fill your heart, which is what we humans are ultimately looking for, and is something that you can do yourself.
The book deals with all matters concerning human psychology and the heart, looking at what is important and what matters to us humans, and how and why. This helps us sort out these things for our own purposes, and to ‘Become all that we could be’, despite a world increasingly unable to understand how to do so. Hence, we also need better ideas about life and what it’s for, that do support the processes of our Becoming, because this ‘Becoming’ is essentially what we humans want, very much, and it is why we are here.
It includes a self-help psychological method that I call the Treasure Tool because you will treasure what you find with it. It uses what is in your life now, (good, bad or indifferent) to identify your heart’s desires and build them into your life to follow your own Path with Heart. This brings meaning and purpose into your life and increases your connection to and engagement with life and love, which is very rewarding.
If life is a maze of passages and dead-ends, this book acts as an overview of that maze, with a map and a line that can help you reach the centre. It’s a navigation aid for getting where you want to go, in line with your heart’s desires.

Author Bio
Cathryn E. Speck
I have been a sciences librarian for most of my working life, as well as being fascinated by psychology, natural health, comparative religions, the esoteric worlds, music and gardening. I spent most of my life looking for ‘purpose’ or ‘what I was supposed to be doing’, which I eventually found but it took a while. So, this book is about how to find and identify these things for yourself, in a world that doesn’t really understand how to do so. I live near Ballarat in Central Victoria in Australia.
The Website Structure
The book itself is under the BOOK tab. It has 4 Parts. The Introduction and Prologue are included in Part I.
The Glossary, Further Reading, and an Index are under the USEFUL BITS tab, as are also two Addenda which are 1) Tools for the Journey, and 2) Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden. The history of the Treasure Tool is also here.
Any further writing of mine will be as ARTICLES in the future.
A PDF of the book which you can download will be added in the near future.
I welcome any constructive comments and ideas – see the COMMENTS tab.
And if you would like to be notified of any further writing, etc., please add your email address under CONTACT ME.
Despite the cute graphic, the book is currently only on this website.