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- abuse,
- “thinging”, 5.33-35
- See also trauma and traumata
- accident, nothing is an, 4.17
- ACEs (Adverse Childhood Events), 16.6
- addictions, 5.36,12.12
- admiration, 5.6
- adulation, 5.20
- allergies, 14.38
- alone, 4.34
- Andreas, C., 16C
- Andreas, S.1.6, 2.13, , 16.21
- anger, 2.28, 4.5
- ghost, 7.40
- hidden, 11.38
- stress, 4.36
- animals, 10.5
- AO1 lists, 16.26, 16.30
- AO1s and the AO2, 1.44, 1.47-48, 2.18, 16.30, 16.35
- aping, 9.5
- assumptions, 6.39
- basic emotions, 2G
- BC (Big Cheese), 5A
- Beck, M. (1997), 9.17
- Beck, M. (2001), 1.6, 2.13, 16.19
- beauty, 8C, 13.37
- being counted, 7.40, 7.44, 7.57, 12.64
- by the media, 12.6, 12.8-9
- men, 10.1
- economics, 12.21-22
- women, 11.40, 11.61, 11.65
- believe-ins, 5.27
- Big Cheese. See BC
- Big Mind, 2E, 6.37-38
- bigness, 1.7, 2.1, 5.1, 6.46, 8.2
- blame, 4.5
- blood pH, 14.36
- Bodenhamer, B. G., 16.8
- body, the, 14A
- as animal, 2.7
- disconnection from, 3.9, 6.25, 10.2
- as partner, 14.8
- properties, 2.7
- as sacred, 14.9
- TISPing it, 14.15
- body matters, 14A
- Bolen, J.,11.29
- boredom, 4.13, 7.9, 7.48
- Buddha, 4.36
- bully, see victim.
- buyer beware, 12.4
- CAFOs (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation), 4.37, 7.21, 7.23
- Cameron, J., 11.49
- caring, 3.19, 11.11, 11.74, 12.68, 14.15, 16.20
- children need, 11.74-75, 13.7
- uncaring, 11.11, 11.23
- women, 10.10, 11.8, 11.9, 11.11, 11.15,11.23
- carrots, 8.1, 8.31, 12.51,
- identifying, 16.1, 16.3, 16.11, 16.19, 16.21, 16.38
- chemicals, 13.24-25, 13.28, 13.30, 14.12
- child, 2.16-19, 3.32-34, 5.21-22, 8.27
- and adult, 3.32
- dependent, 5.22
- of God, 1.45-49, 8.11
- inner, 2.15, 6.36
- children, 2.39, 3.31, 11C
- and the father, 10.6
- and fulfillment, 11.7-8
- and the Media, 9.9
- need TISP, 2.33-35,
- needs for growth, 11.8, 11C, 13.7, 13.20, 14.21
- sexual abuse of, 6.14
- socialization, 10.2,
- time, 11.53
- trauma, 11.72, 16.6-9
- wanted, 7.42, 7.58, 11.66
- clarity, 13.32-35, 14.26
- clean, 7D, 13.26
- commandments, 1.32
- first, 5.25, 9.11, 9.23, 12.65
- ten, 5.26
- commercial Media. See Media, the
- companies and governments, comparing, 12.26
- conscious, 2.13
- consuming, 7.28-7.35, 11.61
- contracts of life, 3.25
- coping, Ch.6
- creativity, 2.37, 8.11
- CWCW (Chopping Wood, Carrying Water), 9.19-21, 14.2
- cynicism, 4.49
- D&D (Desire and Delight)
- death, 4E
- no death, 5.40
- worse than, 4.47
- death by management, 12.39-41
- defrauding, 12.42
- desire, 2.25, 4.36, Ch.8
- Desire and Delight, 2.30, 8.5
- despising, 5C, 10.10
- diets, 14.28-37
- disrespect, 4.29, 5.31
- double binds, 5.15, 16.25
- dragons, 4.46
- dualities, 2E, 6.47, 8.12, 10.12, 12.66-67
- economics, “rush-up”, 12.46
- economy, 12.20
- effort. See CWCW
- emotional Energy Department, 3.5-9, 3.12, 15.6
- emotions, 2.6, 2G
- as rudders, 2.5, 3.9, 6.25, 7.43, 7.59
- energy, life, 1.9, 2A, Ch.3
- contrasts and opposites, 3D
- exploring, 1.7, 1.12, 2.38
- feminine, 11.40
- God and, 3.2-3
- humans, 2.7
- love, 2.37
- magnets, 3C
- mirroring, 2.17, 2.34, 3E
- properties, 1.44
- Energy Departments, 3B
- definitions, 3.5
- esoteric, 3.8
- external, 3.7
- as functions in MBTI, 2.25, 15A
- internal, 3.8
- judging them, 3.9
- metaphor as bridge, 3.13
- medicine and, 14.28
- soul and spirit, 2.12
- See also PEMS
- enlightenment, 6.29
- environment, 13.27
- beauty, 8C
- disrespect, 4.29
- and lifestyle, 14.28-29
- immune system, 14.14
- messes, 13.27-36
- equality, 8.27, 9C
- escaping, 1.24, 4.39, 6.48, 7.68
- esoteric, 3.8, 11.37
- ethical, 3.17, 13.8
- expectations. See programs, society
- exploit, 7.13, 9.14-15
- exploring energy, 1.1, 2.24
- mind, 2.36
- God, 1.1
- life, 1.8
- delight, 1.12
- insight, 1.12
- external world, 2A, 2.19, 7.25
- focus, 2.17, 5.5, 12.77
- judging, 4.2-3, 6.9
- See also Energy Departments
- extraverted, 4.2, 8.24, 15.4-7, 15.11-18, 16.32
- false self-esteem, See FSE
- Fast Phobia/Trauma Cure (FPC), 16.14
- family, 11C
- fathers, 5.14
- fats, 7.21, 14.32-35
- fears, 2.26, 4B, Ch.7, 12.50
- facing, 8.29
- unaddressed, 6D
- stop thinking, 4.13
- Feeling Good About Ourselves. See FGAO
- feelings, 2.12, 3.5, 15.6, 16.8
- cut off, 3.8, 6.25, 7.43, 7.59, 10.3
- gut, 4.51, 7.12, 15.4
- women, 11.19
- feminine energy, 11.40-43
- feminism, 11.2
- feudalism, 9B, 11.16, 12.5, 12.46-47, 12.73
- FGAO (Feeling Good About Ourselves), 12C, 12.70
- flowering, 8A, 12.66-67, 14.9
- advantages, 8.28
- how, 8.13
- flowers, 8.4-5, 10.19,11.4
- food, 13.24-26, 16.17, 14.30
- and consuming, 7.28-35
- energy of, 7.23-27
- fake, 7.21
- metabolism, 14.35
- real, 13.24
- forgiveness, 4.9
- Frey-Rohn, L., 2.15
- fruit, 8B
- FSE (False Self-Esteem), 8.6-8, 12.58, 12.70, 16.34
- fulfillment, 2.20, 2.24, 2.39-40, 8.10
- women, 11.7, 11.12, 11.32, 11.51
- functions, energy, (MBTI), 15B
- inferior, 15.16-17
- primary, 15.14-17
- secondary, 15.14-16
- tertiary, 15.15-16
- Garden of Eden, 1.51 7.8, 8.24
- blame, 4.7, and Addendum 2
- ghost, the, 4.48, 7C
- GLS (God, Life or Self) as InSelf, 2.16
- goals, 15.19, 16.1-3
- specifying, 16B
- SMART, 16.22
- goal-setting, 16B
- God, 1.1
- apart from, 1.16
- being like, 8.11
- communication with, 1.50
- and energy, 3A
- as father, 3.31
- humans, 1.2
- or life or Self, 2.16, 4.18, 7.66, 8.13, 8.27, 11.51
- love vs. P&C, 5.12-15
- naming, 1.5
- part of, 1.15,
- partnership with, 1.45-50, 8.23
- rests, 8.11
- spark of, 1.2, 1.13, 8.19
- gods, 5.24, 9A, 9.23-24, 11.73
- and the media, 9.9
- and messes, 13.27
- and power over, 12.11
- worshipping, 5.26, 5.33
- godship, 9A, 12.49
- godship society, 9B, 12.9-12, 12.71-81
- children, 11.61, 11.65
- equality, 9.16-18, 10.12-14
- feudalism, 12.5
- and the media, 11.61, 12.6-8
- medicine, 14.1-4, 14.21-22
- men, 10.1-6, 10.9, 10.18
- as religion, 12.3-4
- women, 11.1-3, 11.33, 11.44-46
- See also suckerdom
- Good Governance, Ch.13
- governments, Ch.13
- comparing companies and, 12.26-37
- death by management, 12.39-41
- and diets, 14.30, 14.41
- economics, 12.42-49
- Grandin, T., 1.1, 1.9, 2.26, 4.6
- Greek gods, 5.24, 9A
- group, power of, 12.80. See also POHG
- Growth Diamond, 3.10
- guilt, 2.27-29, 4.8, 4.46, 6.11-12, 7.60-3, 16.8
- gurus, 6.34
- Hamilton, M., 11.56
- happiness, Ch.8, 12.61
- Harding, M. E., 11.18
- hate, 2.32
- having, 4.7
- Hay, L. L., 14.8
- health, 14.13
- building, 14B
- problems, 14.38-40
- heaven, 1.16, 1.21, 1.24, 1.51, 2.10, 6.27-28
- heavenly, 1.16, 6.27. See also Merge
- Holy Ghost, 1.47-48, 8.32
- horse and rider, 3.2
- housework. see CWCW
- housing, 13.18-21
- public, 13.21-22
- women, 11.48
- human beings, 9.23, 10.13, 11.73, 13.4, 14.5
- hungry, 7B
- hurdles, 16C
- illusion, life as an, 4.39, 6.32, 11.39, 12.60
- immune system, 12.74, 14.14
- “imprinting”, 11.58, 11.60, 11.65, 12.32
- inefficient, 12.25, 12.39
- inferior function (MBTI), 15.16-17
- inferiority. See Superiority/Inferiority Caper
- inflation, psychological, 6.3
- inner world, 2.13, 2.18, 4.15, 10.3-4, 11.37
- insecurity, 8.8, 12.58
- InSelf, 2.17, 2.38, 4.4-5, 4.7, 6.8
- creativity, 2.39
- definition, 2.15-16
- merge, 2.18
- Mirror Laws, 3.16-19
- the Other, 2.18
- serve, 2.35
- TISPing, 2.34
- insights, 1.12, 1.14, 6.29
- inspiritive Energy Department, 3.5, 3.7, 3.12, 15.7-9
- instrument, the body as, 2.44, 14.5, 14.9, 14.18
- integration, 1.39, 2.6, 2.37, 4.46, 10.12, 16.2, 16.36-37
- integrity, 6.10, 16.36
- internal world, 2A,2.19, 3.6, 3.8, 15.12, 16.36
- introverted, 4.2, 8.24, 15.4-7, 15.11-18, 16.32
- James, T., 16.24
- jobs, 12.27, 12.41
- Johnson, R. A., 11.25
- joy, 2.31
- judgement and expectation, 3.29, 4.2, 4.4, 4.36, 4.44
- judging, Ch.5, 9.22,
- Judging side, MBTI, 15.11
- Karma, 3.29, 4.10
- Katie, B., 3E, 3.19, 16.34
- Keirsey, D., 15.2, 15.7, 15.13-14
- Keirsey’s temperaments, 15C
- labels, 6B, 12.62
- life, mechanisation, 10.4
- life design, 3.25
- life on earth, positive reasons for, 1.36, 1.38-40
- lifestyle and environment, 14.19-22, 14.26-29
- Linn, S., 11.60
- lists, of opposites, 4.48, 5.12, 16.26-27, 16.30-21, 16.34-35
- Little Minds, 2E, 6.37-38
- lollipops, 11.4
- Lopker, J., 1.44, 2.13, 2.15
- love, 2.32, 2.37, 3.16, 11.51, 12.51
- and choice, 4.15-16
- as D&D, 2.33
- and happiness, Ch.8
- vs. P&C, 5.12-15
- as TISP, 2H
- and worship, 5.21, 5.25, 10.24
- See also TISP
- love and light, 6.28
- love/lerv, 2.33
- Lustig, R. H., 12.55
- Made in the Image, 2A
- magic words, economics, 12.20, 12.27
- magnet, 3C, 10.12, 11.41
- Making the Two – One, 1.7, 2.20, 6.20, 12.66
- management, 12.29, 12.39-41
- manly, 10B
- Mann, A. T., 3.27
- manners, 7.15, 7.66, 15.24
- market forces, 7.37, 9.11, 12.20, 12.43
- masculine, 2.18, 6.14, 8.27, 10.1, 10.11-13, 11.42
- animus, 2.16
- dualities, 2E
- and feminine, 10.1,11.42
- as part of life, 10.12
- Masson, J., 6.14
- matter, physical,
- matter, value, 12.64
- economics, 12.21
- at heart, 7.65
- illusion, 6.32
- respect, 5.31-33
- sacred, 5.30, 14.9
- “thinging”, 5.33-35
- MBO (Most Beneficial Outcome), 4.18
- MBTI (Myers Briggs Type Indicator), 2.25, 15B
- Media, the, 11.63-65, 12.5-8
- and children, 11.57-59, 11.61, 11.76-77
- consuming, 7.32
- controlling, 13.13
- entertainment, 6.26
- and godship, 9.9
- racket, 4.6
- meditation, 1.24, 6.27, 6.35
- Medusa, 5.28-38, 10.10, 11.3
- memories, 16.3
- emotional, 2.16, 2.6, 15.6
- retrieval, 16.16
- soul, 2.5-7
- spirit, 2.4
- time-line, 16.15
- trauma/ta, 16.10-11, 16.13
- men, 10A
- controlling, 10.16-17
- pressures, 10.15
- relating to women, 10.10,
- mental Energy Department, 3.5-9, 3.12, 15.5
- mere mortals, 9.4-10. See also peons
- merge, 1.48, 2.18-19, 8.13, 8.21
- creativity, 1.48, 2.39, 11.51
- duality, 2E, 8.12
- equality, 2.24, 5.13, 10.9, 11.15
- sex, 10.7
- metabolism, body, 14.30-35
- metaphors, 2.10, 3.13-14
- big black hole, 16.9
- diamond, 3.23
- flower, 8.4-5
- fruit, 8.21
- lollipops, 11.14
- penis, 10.17
- Perseus and the Medusa, 5.37
- plant, 3.12
- wardrobe, 16.16
- washing machine, 6.41
- water tank, 16.5,
- what plants need, 14.12
- Millman, D., app
- mind/psyche, 5.41, 6.1, 6.48
- all in the, 3.8
- big and little, 6.37
- control, 5.27
- and energy, 3.4, 15.2
- misuse, 5.41, 8.2
- monkey, 6.36
- peace of, 8.12, 8.16
- spirit, 6.17-27
- structure, Ch.2
- Mirror Laws, 3E, 6.4, 6.8, 16.34
- modelling, 9.4, 11.59, 12.4
- money, 10.1, 14.41
- economics, 12.20, 12.43, 12.46
- power, 9.13-15, 12.7
- public money, 13A, 13.22
- “rushes up”, 12.46, 12.72
- worshipping, 5.23, 12.3
- Monkey Mind, 6.36
- monsters, 5.29, 5.38, 5.40, 12.14
- moon goddess, 11.18-19, 11.23-24
- mothering, 10.25, 11.8, 11.15
- withdrawing, 11.20, 11.23
- motives, 3.2-3, 3.19, 4.32, 8.29, 12.69, 15.19
- and drives, 12.51
- proper, 8.12
- Myers Briggs Type Indicator. See MBTI
- natural substances, 14.19, 14.25-27
- natural world, 4.51, 7.12, 11.35, 11.37, 11.44
- disconnection 7.6, 12.48, 13.36
- nature, 11.30, 11.35
- and boys, 11.77
- and God and Life, 1.11, 2.7
- religions, 1.30, 3.3
- “new-age” words, 6.28-33
- NLP, 5.27, 11.37, 16.14, 16.27-28
- SMART goals, 16.21-22
- Visual squash, 16.27-28
- no-body, 3.9, 7.40, 7.43
- Noble Leader, 12.14, 12.17, 13.13
- Noontil, A., 14.8
- Novak, P., 4.52
- Obscene Salary Entitlement. See OSE
- opposites, 1.44, 2.18, 3D, 3.15, 16.26
- life vs. non-life, 4.48
- masc. vs. fem., 11.42
- TISP vs. P&C, 5.13
- See also AO1s and the AO2
- OSE (Obscene Salary Entitlements), 12.16, 12.18, 13.19
- the “other”, 2.18, 2.21-24, 2.45
- the body, 7.14
- external, 2D
- giving TISP, 2.34
- internal, 2D, 4.33
- outer world,
- outself (conscious), 2.13
- outself and InSelf, 2.20, 2.39, 8.9
- pain, 4.5, 4D
- parent and child, 1.46-47
- family, 11C
- time, 7.58
- TISP, 2.33
- part, apart, partner, 1.42-52
- partners, 4.23
- partnership, 4.23
- creates life, 1.48
- flowering, 8.12-13
- fruit, 8.20-30
- God, 1.42-52
- inner child, 6.36
- merge, 2D
- P&C, 5B. See also godship society
- authority, 5.21, 6.40
- feudalism, 9.13
- vs. love, 5.11
- TISP, 5.13-15
- Peace of Mind (POM), 6.36, 8.12, 8.16, 8.19, 8.29
- PEMS Energy Departments (Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual), 3B
- feed us, 7.26
- for growth, 8.2
- growth diamond, 3.10
- pyramids, 3.10
- penis, 10.6, 10.17
- penis envy, (Freud), 6.14, 11.78, 16.9
- peons, 9.4, 9B, 12.9,
- women, 10.9, 11.44, 11.50
- See also feudalism
- Perceiving side, MBTI, 15.11
- personality. See MBTI
- Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual. See PEMS
- physical Energy Department, 3.5-9, 3.12, 15.4
- placebo effect, 14.27
- plant, roots and shoots, 3.12
- play, 8.14
- pleasure and happiness, 12.55
- POHG (Power of the Human Group), Ch.13
- pollution, 8.29, 13.32, 12.43, 12.45, 13.31, 14.10
- and clean, 13.26
- and food, 7.25, 13.24
- plastics, 13.32-33
- poisons, 12.38, 12.50, 13.28-31
- protect from, 13.7, 13.17
- POM. See Peace of Mind
- power and control. See P&C. See also godship society
- Power of the Human Group. See POHG
- pride, 6.11
- primary function, MBTI, 15.16
- processed foods, 7.21-23, 14.20-22
- “programs”, society, 9.2-3
- projection, psychology, 5.7, 6.5
- protect, 7.15, 10.26, 12.79
- psyche, human, 2B, 2C
- Psyche and Eros, 11.25
- psychology, 6A, 6.38, 6.43, 6.48
- public health, 14.30, 14.41
- public housing, 13.21-22
- public money, 13A
- racket, 2.41, 6.22
- rage, 2.26
- ransom, 12.47, 13.17
- rational, 6.19. 9.16-22
- regions and diet, 14.30
- regulation, government, 13.28, 13.38
- reincarnation, 1.27, 3F
- relationship, 1.42, 2.24
- external and internal, 2.12, 2.18-19
- flower and fruit, Ch.8
- men with women, 10.10
- religions, 1C, 2.45, 5.15-16, 6.15-16, 6C, 8.32, 11.37
- authority, 1.32, 6.40
- founders, 1.33
- happiness, 6.44
- men, 10.15
- Spirit-Based, 2.10, 6.38-39, 8.31
- nature, 1.30,
- women, 1.29, 11.13-15
- See also godship
- remedies, natural, 14.19, 14.22
- resentment, 2.30
- respect, 5.31
- responsibility, 4.16, 9.9
- Rest in Peace. See RIP
- rewards, 1.17, 1.24, 1.52, 7.1, 16.32
- right living, 4.19, 9.23, 16.21
- RIP (Rest in Peace), 2.38, 4.51, 8.16, 12.70, 16.37
- robots, 10.3-4, 12.35
- routines, daily, 15.14
- “rushes up”, money, 12.46,
- sacred, 5.29-30, 5.33, 14.9
- sacrilege, 5.29-30, 5.33, 5.36, 5.38
- sadness, 2.31
- safety, 7.4-5, 7.7-9, 7.12-16, 12.14
- noble leader, 12.14-15
- soul, 2.11, 4.45, 12.78
- women, 11.7-8
- saliva testing, 14.36
- satisfaction, 1.13, 1.48-49, 7.20, 7.37-38, 12.66
- CWCW, 9.20
- flowering, 8.10
- lifestyle, 14.14
- Making the 2 to One, 2.20-21
- women, 11.32, 11.61, 16.19
- saving the world, 6.27, 6.33, 10.26
- SBRs (Spirit-Based Religions). See religions
- scientific, 14.23-27
- secondary function, MBTI, 15.16
- secondary gain, 7.60, 16.25
- security, 3.12, 4.51, 7.7, 8.10
- self, 2A
- exploration of 1.11
- facing, 4.45
- poisoned, 5.28
- self-awareness, 2A
- self-esteem, 5.2, 8.6, 12.57
- building, 8.7
- false. See FSE
- lack of, 5.2, 5.10, 5.13, 6.8-9, 16.8
- men, 11.46
- true. See TSE
- self-estimation, false. See FSE
- self-expression, 1.13, 2.43, 12.56, 14.9
- self-gratification, 9.12, 12.58
- self-importance, 5.2, 5.4, 6.8-9
- self-pity, 5C
- ghost, 7.44, 7.51
- godship, 12.10, 12.12, 12.76
- the media, 11.61
- men, 10.2, 10.7, 10.10
- women, 11.12, 11.32, 11.36
- sensate, physical, 3.9
- serve, 2.33
- sexualizing everything, 10.8
- the Shadow, 6.4, 6.7
- shadows, 11.29
- shame, 2.29, 6.11-12, 7.60-63
- SHE (Sufficient unto Herself), 11.18-19, 11.23-25, 11.32
- sickness, 14.13, 14.19
- side effects, medicines, 14.18-19, 14.21, 16.10
- simplicity, 8C
- sinners, 1.26, 3.18, 5.25
- slap, the, 11.70-72
- SMART goals, 1.21-22
- social structures, 1.19, 6.16, Ch.13
- society, soul-less, 7.68, 8C, 10.5, 12.73
- soul,
- death, 4.52, 5.40
- definition, 2.3
- fears, 7.1
- needs, 2.11
- properties, 2.5-7, 2.11-12
- Soul-Keeping, 10.23, 11.4-5, 11.53
- economics, 12.21
- is CWCW, 9.20-22
- source, single, 1.22, 1.5, 1.7
- spirit, 1.6-7
- big and little minds, 6.38
- and the body, 14.6
- concepts, 2.10, 5.16, 6.17-19, 6.23, 10.5
- death, 4.52, 7.63
- definition, 2.2-4, 2.6-7, 2.9, 2.12
- dualities, 2E
- escaping, 6.25-28
- Spirit-Based Religions. See religions
- spiritual/inspiritive Energy Department, 3.5, 3.7, 3.12, 15.7-9
- split, the, 2E, 2.42
- succour, 12.68, 16.7
- suckerdom, 12A
- companies vs. governments, 12.26
- economic theory, 12.20-21, 12.27
- governments, 12.38
- inefficient, 12.25
- “magic words”, 12.20, 12.27
- management, 12.39-40
- suckers, 11.61, 12.2-3, 12.48
- suffering, 4D
- superiority. See Superiority/Inferiority Caper
- Superiority/Inferiority Caper, Ch.5, 6.9
- Stage 1 (BC), 5A
- Stage 2 (P&C), 5B
- Stage 3 Despising, 5C
- sustain, 7B. See also TISP
- sweet, 7.34, 10.16, 12.55
- sweetness and light, 11.68-69, 11.78
- symbols. See Spiritual/Inspiritive Energy Department
- synchronicity, 8.25
- taking responsibility, 4.8, 4.16
- taxes, 13.2, 13.4-5, 13.8
- tertiary function, MBTI, 15.16
- “thinging”, 5.34
- “Till and Keep”, 1.30, 2.36
- and gods, 12.4, 14.2
- and life, 9.20
- and spirit, 6.20
- and TSE, 10.21
- Thomas’ sayings of Jesus #70, 2.40, 8.10, 12.59
- Thomson, L., 15.8
- Time, Interest, Sustain and Protect. See TISP
- timeline, 16.15-16
- clearing the past, 16.28-34
- placing goal in future, 16.24
- TISP (Time, Interest, Sustain and Protect),
- definition, 2H
- good governance, 13.2
- vs. P&C, 5.13
- serve, 2.35
- till and keep, 2.36
- for TSE, 8A
- TISPing
- the body, 14.5
- the other, 2.34
- the soul, 13.6
- trauma and traumata, 7.54, 11.72, 16.4-17
- treasure, 4.46, 6.19-20, 7.68, 16.36-37
- true self-esteem. See TSE
- true to yourself, 6.10, 8.28
- TSE (true self-esteem), 8.8, 12.59, 13.40
- trust life, 8.29
- truth, 8C, 13.32, 13.35
- the body, 14.26
- sustain, 14.17
- TT (treasure tool), 16.29-35, 16.37
- Ulanov, A., 11.45
- “unconditional love”, 6.28, 11.32, 11.69, 15.24
- unconscious, 2A, 2.13-17. See also InSelf
- unity, 1.6-7, 2.18-21, 8.12, 12.66-67
- God as, 2.21
- magnets, 3C
- power, 3C
- un-love, 2.37, 4.53
- unsafe, 7A
- Useful Understanding System. See UUS
- utilities, 12.34, 13.19, 13.22-23
- UUS (Useful Understanding System), 1.35-36, 1.40, 4.23, 6.48
- values, 11.76-77
- goal-setting, 16.26
- godship, 9.9, 11.60, 11.63
- vegetarianism, 14.34-35
- victim and bully, 4.6, 5.34, 6.21
- virgin. See SHE
- Virgin Mary, 11.13-15
- Visual Squash, 16.27
- van der Kolk, B., 16.14
- von Franz, M-L., 15.17
- wanting, 5.5, 6.9, 7.36
- desire, 2.27
- godship, 12.70
- vs having, 4.7
- wellness, 13.24, 13.26, 14.10-18, 14.42
- wisdom, 11.43-44
- woman, not a, 10.11-15, 10.22
- women, 11A
- challenges, 11.32-39
- empowering, 11B
- family and children, 11C
- “fulfillment”, 11.7-8
- inner witch, 11.38
- relationship, 10.10, 10.14
- and religions, 1.29
- as sweetness and light, 11.68-69, 11.78
- as saint, 11.54
- worship, 5.3, 5.10, 5.21-23, 10.24, 11.73
- children, 11.58-60, 11.65, 11.73
- commandments, 5.25-26
- gods, 9.4, 9.11, 9.22, 9.24, 12.6-8
- money, 4.29, 5.23, 9.3
- suckers, 12.1, 12.3-4, 12.19, 12.65, 12.68, 12.80
- Wright, M. S., 5.33