Chapter 13. The Power of the Human Group

Table of Contents (this page)


 This Part IV comprises 4 chapters.

Part IV is EMPOWERING – It has 4 chapters comprising;

  3. THE MBTI.

Part IV, Chapter 13. THE POWER OF THE HUMAN GROUP. (13)

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, (caring) committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

Margaret Mead

“Have we fallen into a mesmerized state that makes us accept as inevitable that which is inferior or detrimental, as though having lost the will or the vision to demand that which is good?”  Rachel Carson.

“Good governance never depends upon laws, but upon the personal qualities of those who govern. The machinery of government is always subordinate to the will of those who administer that machinery. The most important element of government, therefore, is the method of choosing leaders.”

— Frank Herbert.

“Overcoming poverty is not a task of charity, it is an act of justice. Like Slavery and Apartheid, poverty is not natural. It is man-made and it can be overcome and eradicated by the actions of human beings. Sometimes it falls on a generation to be great. YOU can be that great generation. Let your greatness blossom.”

— Nelson Mandela.

“Anybody knows that the people have the power; all we have to do is awaken the power in the people. The people are unaware, it’s like they’re not educated to realize that they have power. They put the politicians in power, they vote for the local mayor, the people do it. But the system is so geared that, ‘the father will fix everything,’ the father being the government; ‘government will fix everything, it’s all government’s fault,’ shake your fist at the government. Well, we are the government. The people are the government and the people have the power, but we must try to make them aware of this.”

— John Lennon.

“We must make our choice. We may have democracy or we may have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can’t have both.”

— Louis Brandeis.

This chapter has 2 sections,



Introduction to Chapter 13.  (13.1)

This book is essentially about how and why we need to and can give Love/TISP, in fact, Life to ‘the other’, and what happens when we don’t, with the conclusion being that we’ll be much happier if we can give TISP, and not that happy if we don’t.

To spell it out baldly; godship with its consequent suckerdom engenders Fear which leads to misery and suffering, while giving TISP (as long as Desire and Delight are also there – no ‘shoulds’; you will be following your Path with Heart) gives Life/Love which engenders TSE with its lasting love and happiness for you, always. The operative here is that what you give and why you give it is always your choice. The clearer you are about what you are choosing and why, in line with ‘doing God’, the more powerful you become for yourself.

In this chapter the aim is to look at how we can give TISP to the other collectively as a group of humans for our own sakes because in so doing we will all be able to increase our individual true self-esteem (TSE). What we are looking for is the Power of the Human Group (POHG) to TISP others because you yourself will benefit. Ideally, this is labelled ‘government’ and ‘democratic’ at that, but we’re having a bit of difficulty with both those words at the moment, so I want to call this concept of TISPing others as a group ‘Good Governance’ (GG). GG could also be used for ‘Growing ‘Goodies” (as an opposite of ‘killing baddies’) which is also what this chapter is about. However, ‘government’ has become such an alienating word that I will use POHG (the Power of the Human Group) as a reminder, where relevant.

Throughout this chapter I’m emphasizing the power of the human group, because a primary problem with our blasted godship society is that people are taught to consider themselves small, weak, and essentially powerless, and need to be reminded that humans can be powerful as a group pooling their knowledge and resources. In fact, this ‘be-littling’ seems to be getting progressively worse with most people increasingly unable to trust their own perceptions – their own essential equipment, you might say, and some of this mistrust comes from ignoring our own feelings. In this be-littling we look to gods for all the answers as well as ‘how we ought to be’, and this book is trying to say that this is not a good idea. Humans really are perfectly well equipped to work things out for themselves although this usually involves some thinking and the effort to do so. Depending on gods’ ‘expertise’ leaves you powerless and unable to trust yourself.

Humans are social creatures, as in, built to interact socially, and solve problems as a group. Tackling how to solve the problems we currently have will keep us fully absorbed and occupied for quite some time to come.

The way we think about godship and economics and accounting and how things are, sets our policies and our legal systems, so it gets more built-in; hence this book, which questions the way we think that things must be. We need to change our thinking which we can, and can be much better off all round for it.

Gods are not going to stop being gods of their own volition. All our Economic and Accounting systems have been set up by them, and are ways for them to accumulate and increase godship at other humans’ expense, especially women. But it is also important to understand that as we regulate what gods are able to do and in fact decrease their ability to be gods, they themselves will end up, after ginormous amounts of squealing, threats and so on, potentially happier. (I suspect the squealing may go on for a while.) After all, TSE is simply far more internally rewarding than FSE, although rather more effort is involved. Remember, only humans can develop and accumulate TSE, because humans are able to give TISP, gods cannot.

The topics within Good Governance are enormous, but I am tackling them by trying to outline the basic principles that we need to see in action. There are a monumental number of things that need to be changed, but if the principles are correct, they provide the proper reasons/motives and focus for changing them. They are all pretty complicated and interwoven, but once again I am dealing with them one by one in an attempt to clarify them.

What follows is a set of proposals for change and why I consider them a good idea within the principles of this UUS.

They are not exhaustive. My idea is simply to get the ball rolling and for suggestions to build to a great idea. Once again, they are ideas, not the last word, and others will have proposed them many times, but maybe not all in the same place or with this type of focus.

The other thing to say here is that I am Australian, so my examples are going to pertain to this and my own experiences and observations.

Good governance.  (13A)

Definition of good governance.  (13.2)

A definition of Good Governance would be the power of the human group for mutual sustain and protect (it’s part of giving Love) for the other, as in, it is a giving of TISP to the other and it helps grow the other. In this way, everyone can get to their potential to give life to the other, which grows our True Self-Esteem (TSE). A primary argument of this Useful Understanding System (UUS) is that growing our TSE is the way that we can truly feel good about ourselves, and that TSE comes from giving TISP to ‘the other’, (= ‘Love Thy Neighbour as Thyself’). This is how we can grow to feel ‘bigger’ in the true and proper way for us humans, and can continue to grow. This is how everyone can win; it grows love, and it is also ‘doing God’.

In this we are making full use of the Mirror Laws, as in, as we TISP others, so we TISP ourselves. This is how we use the ML positively, not wavering around in fear that the laws will ‘get us’, which is a negative use. This is the kind of “positive’ that we need to ‘accentuate”.

The idea of Good Governance is ‘public money for the public good’.

This arose out of the idea that maybe if people paid a portion of their earnings, often called ‘taxes’ but also labelled ‘tithes’ or ‘dues’, and pooled them together, this pooled money, as in, the ‘wealth of the commoners’ could build them systems and resources for their own good and their children’s good and so on. This money is thus Public Money and meant for Public Use for the Public Good. Not to mention, people could have a say in how these moneys were spent. And build their public resources to help people get to their own potential, so that they can build further public resources and so on. And get to further potential for maximum Creativity and building TSE, etc.

But we are forgetting why we pay taxes and why we have government and what it is for. Godship and suckerdom principles have been washing through our brains for quite some time and are now a tidal wave since at least the inception of TV (70+ years? For 3 generations or so?) and are gathering pace. The commercial Media which is owned by gods promotes jealousy and envy of godship by appealing to our vanity and greed which are our False Self-Esteem – all our advertising appeals to this. But our FSE will always ‘shrink’ us, which means we cannot ‘grow’ and cannot ‘feel bigger’ in the proper way. It simply grows fear.

Good governance is public money used for humans to protect themselves from gods.  (13.3)

We need to protect ourselves from gods and godship; that is what Public Money is for. It is actually a mutual people protection system using the power of the human group. Governments are not meant to make money, and they are not businesses, which are in fact, much simpler organizations which count products rather than people. From this, we need to be very careful about the extent that we use business principles for people systems. This is where we must bust the idea that people can be considered and counted as things or products. However much it is tempting to do so because it seems so much simpler, it leaves out all the real costs of planning for the future and the needs of real people.

We must understand what governments are for and choose and support government and politicians that also understand this. If we stay manipulated by gods, feudalism is what we will get.

Democracy is supposed to be ‘we have voice’, but there is no democracy under gods and we are learning this the hard way by progressively losing it. It doesn’t just happen; it needs the POHG for the public good with laws and systems and understandings to support and sustain it.

One of the things least understood about the democratic process is that it is not straightforward, because achieving it involves much to-ing and fro-ing and discussion all round, but a group can end up working out a better solution, particularly if all are concerned with nutting out the proper course for the greater good. Thus ‘democracy’ can look quite ‘clunky’ from the authoritarian/gods’ point of view, but surely we’ve had enough of those ‘simpler’/authority points of view, which are ‘simple’ because they leave out so many factors that need to be considered in the first place.

Of course, there will be enormous and deafening squealing and fighting from the gods who will threaten us, but it’s we at an individual level who need to understand what to fight for and support and why. Remember, gods will try to punish the ‘disobedient’ as much as they possibly can because they have so much to lose, but they will leave us with nothing to lose if things continue as they are. And people get very cross when they have nothing to lose.

Hence the first question to ask is, ‘what do governments want?’, because that is always the first question to ask.

What do governments as POHG want?  (13.4)

Governments want, and in fact need; well, healthy, happy, peaceful, content, intelligent, creative, interested and engaged people who can support themselves and pay taxes and have healthy happy creative children who can grow up to pay taxes and so it goes on. These people will be able to build their private resources so they can look after themselves so they can reach their potential so they can build their resources and pay taxes. They may even form communities to decide and build their own set of resources that they want, and so on.

Human potential.  (13.5)

We are talking about human potential here, and that potential is to maximize everyone’s ability to Flower to their heart’s content, which builds their TSE, which is entirely what we are here for. As the POHG works to maximize everyone’s potential to contribute to this sort of society, so this governing group benefits and will go on benefitting. This is entirely to everyone’s advantage – we do this for our own sake. Can I say this too much? This is an entirely win-win cooperative setup. Everyone can benefit from this type of focus; even gods will be happier iff they can learn to be human and find TSE.

To repeat, we feel good about ourselves when we give TISP and find TSE. Good Governance is about all of us working as a group to set up these circumstances for ourselves, our children, and the future.

We already know that it’s much harder for any human to get near their full potential if they are unhappy.

And they are unhappy when they are,

  • Unwell or are unable to move with ease or vitality,
  • Living hand-to-mouth, with crummy food, and stressed parents with no time or interest in us,
  • Taught to be afraid all the time, (which is what we teach in our mainstream religions).

And when they are afraid all the time, they,

  • Are unable to think properly and just want to run away or block everything out (ostrich).
  • Start comparing, blaming and being envious and disliking others, which is a judging.
  • Find it difficult to give anything, and start taking, however they can.

But this fear and taking stresses them, giving them no Peace, and having no peace messes up their immune system, which leads to ill-health which means costs to the government and less taxes can be paid from people who are unwell. Remember governments get relatively very little tax from gods; the bigger the god, the less tax is paid, if at all.

And we already know that humans…

  • Feel good about themselves when they Flower, as in, they give Life to the other to their heart’s content.

Feel good about themselves when they help others to Flower as well, which builds TSE (proper feeling good about ourselves) all round, and Flowering goes on to Fruit, new life and so on….

TISPing the soul.  (13.6)

The point about doing TISP is that we give it to the Soul, hence, it makes sense for any governing group to focus on the needs of the Soul, which are (See also Chapter 2) to be well (real health, not lack of illness; See also Chapter 14) and happy/content and able to choose how it wants to Flower.

And, since the body houses the soul, we look at the body’s needs which are….

  • Safe – in all ways PEMS.
  • Fed and Watered – clean, nutritious, real food.
  • Comfortable and the correct temperature for it.
  • Access to peace and quiet.
  • Healthy and Well and able to move with ease and vitality.
  • Touched and stroked.
  • Fully able to play and explore according to its needs.
  • And, of course… TISPed/Loved/Served.
  • Able to spend time in/with and connect to Nature.

Notice also that this is a kind of respect all round really. It includes respect for and understanding our own body’s needs along with respect for the natural human needs of our bodies. Such respect also includes our needs in the mental and the emotional departments of energy, ie, help people be safe mentally and emotionally.

And notice that, by understanding how and why to give TISP, we have a ‘spiritual’ or ‘inspiritive’ or inspiring reason (the ‘S’ part of PEMS), and we are Sustained by this sort of reason for addressing the practical, down-to-earth, physical needs of humans and their societies.

We already know what it takes to build/grow humans to maximize their physical, emotional and mental potential and this has to happen first. And we do this by setting up the circumstances that children need as a focus for what to concentrate on first.

Hence, we work to provide the circumstances for children to reach their full potential.

So, how do we DO Good Governance?

  • We focus on the children, and hopefully societies will always actually want children.
  • Develop general principles on those things we need to be aware of to aim at as well as to avoid, because we know why, and can therefore recognize them when they arise. This is called wisdom.

Focus on the children first.  (13.7)

Children need for some 20 years or so….

  • Safety, stability and routine.
  • A Home where there is Time and Interest, Peace, quiet, routine, and the good management, which is the planning and watching out needed to provide these circumstances over >20 years.
  • To be wanted by at least one person and hopefully 2, (more seems to be better) with personal caring about their welfare being the operative; extended families or communities can be very good at this. Humans need someone who wants them and enjoys them enough to want to stick around and look after them for some good 20 years or so. They don’t do that well if they haven’t received it, and have much more difficulty Flowering.
  • Clean, nutritious, real food (and drink) which is in a fairly natural, chemical-free state, as in, you can recognize it and know where it comes from, so you can trust it. Said food also needs to be respected and valued as important to humans.
  • Protection from a lot of things, including poisons, chemicals, radiation, noise, EMFs, unhappy people, etc.

And to do this, any governing body will also need to consider how to protect themselves against gods, because that is what they (governing groups) are for. All godship/suckerdom, which is defined in Chapter 12 as worshipping gods and godship, prevents/stops Flowering and when people can’t Flower, governments wither along with their people which is what we are seeing. Protecting ourselves as a group using Good Governance means protecting humans from gods and their exploitation in all its forms.

General principles for good governance as POHG.  (13.8)

  • The over-riding principle here is the need to be ethical at all times for your own sake, because of the Mirror Laws of Energy which have been spelt out throughout this book. In fact, the Mirror Laws need to be taught, as well as ensuring children are given enough education and resources for their life skills including how to think and what’s needed for clear thinking.
  • At all times women’s ideas must be properly taken into account for full democracy. Currently, women tend not to say much or can be negative simply because they are so left out of the decision processes that affect them all the time, and they’re supposed to ‘wear it’ and keep on smiling – sigh, as in, they have no voice – this is not
  • It is also very useful to remember the principle of KISS – Keep It Simple, stupid, with its corollary, ‘If it isn’t simple, it’s not going to happen’.
  • The actual taxation system needs to be relatively straightforward as a percentage of income/assets, including ways to prevent the huge accumulations and avoidance by the gods. There is far less need for horrible GST systems if gods actually paid fair taxes.

Then we also need to…

  • Make sure that gods are not developing our policies.
  • Be very much more careful about what we expose our children to.
  • Work out ways to count women properly.
  • Work out ways to understand and account for all real costs.
  • Stop money moving from the public purse into private hands.

Specifically, human groups protecting themselves against gods need to work out how to …

  • Stop worshipping godship; this means no worshipping godship with its Media or ‘religion’ of suckerdom.
  • Control the media, and especially, do not allow monopolies. We used to understand this one, but gods got into government and/or our government people wanted to go to bed with gods.
  • Prevent gods getting into government in the first place. This one’s a stinker because the focus has to be on how to tell the difference between gods and real people. Although many cannot, many (older) women are able to tell. Find Adults who will Serve, not Children who will Take whatever they can and who feel entitled to do so.
  • Stop looking for great and noble leaders – the search for the ‘father’. Human beings are perfectly capable of sorting themselves out, but are generally best doing that in groups, hence the emphasis in this chapter on the power of the human group.
  • Stop ‘Rush Up’ economic and accounting systems with all their legal and social structures. Focus on ways of counting real service and the things that matter most to humans and their souls.

It is also wise for any government to work toward self-sufficiency for itself and its people; it’s much easier to trade in a more equal fashion if one has one’s own strengths, and is not particularly dependent on the ‘trading partner’. (True for all life, really.)

The search for the ‘great/noble’ father/leader.  (13.9)

Good Governance is a primary protect role of giving TISP to ‘the other’, and thus eminently suitable for men to get their teeth stuck into. In this way they can satisfy that search for the ‘good father’ that in fact, we all seem to want so much. This is in contrast to our current version of ‘protect’ which men are using for themselves only, and rarely ‘the other’. This is part of the siren song of Suckerdom, and we are seeing how toxic ‘manhood’ with no thought of the other can be.

Good Governance as POHG would give a much-needed avenue of employment for those who truly wish to Serve and there will be a great need of them in future. Not all of us are enamoured of P&C/godship.

Also, do I need to spell out that Obscene Salaries are completely and utterly unnecessary and need to be banned within any public body, and that includes councils and charities. However, this is no argument for poor/low pay rates.

Time is a primary directive.  (13.10)

By definition, governments need to build for the long term, ie, 25-200 years or more (we prefer not to have to rebuild our sewers or our foundations); business/godship simply does not. The Romans knew about this, but we don’t.

We tend to think that companies want to last a long time, and we know that gods want to be immortal, but that is in terms of your worship of them; it is not in terms of setting up systems that will serve others’ needs at the soul level for generations. Any business can morph and disappear at the drop of a hat, and they do all the time, leaving more peons for government to support.

Hence, do not use business management or accounting systems for good governance, and don’t fall for the ‘efficiency’ crap/trap.

Building in the long term is very different from the short term and the costs are different too. It means planning for the future; good records; people who care; and not ‘saving money’ doing jobs that ‘look good’ in the short-term. Also, it means people with good judgement which comes from education and experience. Maybe we need more of those sorts of people in government, and paid properly. There are lots of things to think about. But it could be done if we wanted it.

One of the nastier elements of business principles of ‘efficiency’ within government is how much ‘money-saving’ in the short term simply lumbers the next generation with having to spend money doing the same thing over again. This is not ‘taking the children into consideration’ at all. Godship exploits all ‘the weak’, which includes children.

Allowing time.  (13.11)

And hence, allow the proper amount of time it takes to help people and to make sure any task is actually done properly as necessary, not just ‘papered over’ to look good. Not to mention helping women to be able to give time to their children, if that’s what they would like to do, especially the years before primary school, including not implicitly penalizing women for being out of the workforce for those years.

Transparency, full stop.  (13.12)

Well, could we even do transparency at all? Once again, it would not be easy, but a proper democracy of adults could do it. Hence the problems of ‘democracy’ and ‘adult’, with ‘democracy’ absolutely including women at all points.

But, after all, lots of small communities practice transparency; it’s not beyond human capabilities.

How would we be if all salaries were transparent?

The next primary directive is that of controlling the commercial media.

Controlling the commercial media.  (13.13)

We’ve done this before and need to institute it again, but of course, we have gods in government now, and they are supported by, you guessed it, the commercial media. Hence notice how much current governments don’t like non-commercial media and try to ‘kill’ them.

But, the argument in this book is that godship must be stopped in all its forms because it promotes Fear and stops people Flowering, as in, all potential stays just that.

So, notice that, good governance and politicians must be entirely independent of commercial interest and godship or they will get infected by graft and corruption, which means no protection from exploitation of you. Hence, this one’s a stinker, but it must be solved at all its levels and needs to happen. It would also probably be a good idea to get rid of lobby groups, especially until you can sort out ways to make them completely transparent, which means regulation, which means costs to government.

Controlling the commercial media also affects the choices parents have when they look for ‘entertainment’ aids for their small children, to keep them quiet, so the housework can get done, because there is not enough time for said parent to actually be with their small children, and so on, and so on. We do this to stop the next generation thinking that godship is the way to be. But this is a time problem, which is also affected by housing.

These changes need to be ‘top down’; they don’t come up from the bottom up. It is only POHG that can do this. That’s actually what we’re looking for in the ‘noble leader’ (the protection that POHG could provide).

Governments and their structures.  (13.14)

A lot of things then come out of how we decide to set up government departments and how we fund them to do their jobs and how we account for these things.

Protecting ourselves means that governance bodies must be set up so that the need for money doesn’t mean they can become corrupted by P&C/gods, so no ‘funding themselves’ or other such stories; they must be able to be independent of any commercial interests. Government departments need to be funded properly and know why they are there and their importance for the greater good. They are, after all, being funded by taxes, and will need to account for same, and to people who are looking for the greater good, not ‘godship accounting’.

It’s going to take enormous and clever thinking to reverse our current situation and again, Good Governance as POHG must be strong in controlling, monitoring and policing godship, and thus must be paid properly and not managed under business principles, which simply feeds into godship/feudal control with its basic corruption and injustice for peons.

Hence, our accounting, economic, taxation and legal systems must be reassessed in the light of TISPing Soul and long-term sustainability, ie, the assumptions upon which economics is based must be inspected for P&C/godship and short-term thinking, including the inability to include their real/actual costs, and attitudes changed as required.

Public money must not flow into private pockets, never to be seen again.  (13.15)

Public Money must not bleed into the private purse. We need to be very careful about this protection of public money because of our tendency to consider businesses as more ‘efficient’, which is only true under our current godship accounting systems. The way we count and account for things has to change in the first place.

In particular, ‘partnership’ with private companies is a bad idea, mostly because of the intrinsically different aims of business (sell and/or exploit) with all its short-term money-making focus, and governments (which should be carrying out the protect role with its long-term building focus).

There is absolutely no law that says that governments cannot run things; of course they can, particularly if freed from ghastly godship management principles. Good Governance can be properly equipped to do so and many of our public needs could be run under non-profit principles. One of the sadder things about godship type management is that the experienced and/or creative people that we most need have fled long ago, nor indeed do we have anyone left who can recognize good people to employ them, particularly if they don’t use the ‘Magic Words’; See Chapter 12.

If government thinks it has to give money to companies to prop them up for the sake of jobs, then that money must go toward actual ownership of the company in proportion to its (the company’s) worth on the market, along with some control over said company – they sure hate that. Otherwise it just goes into the maw of gods’ Obscene Salaries.

In fact, anything that can apparently force any government to help prop it up because of job creation, needs to be owned or developed by said government as Good Governance, ie, cars, or any subsidised development; it could be done. Also, it’s a bit strange how currently the lender which is government considers itself dependent on the borrower which is private money, but this is because of supposed ‘trickle-down’ job creation, which is a complete furphy/story/fantasy paraded by gods. We can only believe this as we fail to consider all the real costs.

Inter-departmental charges.  (13.16)

We need to stop the horrible system of ‘charging back’ between departments of whatever public/government service, including universities, which simply stops cooperation in its tracks, and if there’s one thing we need to understand, it is that cooperation is the only thing that will save us. Once again, it’s our accounting systems making jobs for accountants, and the real costs are ignored. Allied to this we need accounting systems that do not stop within single government departments. We need to understand that money ‘saved’ in one area can and will cost the government in another.

It will need quite a bit of human knowhow to sort out how to account for things with their real costs to the soul, but it needs to be done, and with no whisps of ‘godship’ hanging around. Godship is a sort of ‘cancer’ for society, and it’s we who allow it; time for a change.

Governments and land ownership.  (13.17)

Governments have a lot of trouble working out how to control and manage their land, especially when it is trying to use it to exploit it as much as possible, which puts it into the hands of godship who are those most able to afford to exploit it, and leave it devastated for however long ever after. Too bad if you were living on it or depended on it in some manner.

This is particularly so for the extraction of gas, gold, minerals and especially water, all of which mean money for the owner of the land and a heap of trouble for anyone else around, poisons from the method of extraction; loss of water and so on. This is also true for lots of businesses above ground that make smells, poisons and deleterious messes for others to pick up or suffer the consequences.

In effect, the owner gains and others, including the neighbours, lose because it actually affects and costs them, and we certainly haven’t sorted out this sort of problem at all; too hard. This does not make for a cooperative, democratic society.

Australia is particularly prone to the attitude of ‘dig it up and sell it quick’. After all, its own development comes out of the various gold rushes and other mining from the 1850’s onward. (And our land is still buggered up from that exploration/exploitation.) Australia also has an awful lot of land that few can live on by farming, under current knowledge anyway, and we’re busy mucking up much of the land we can or could live on. So, if we can sell our land, that will give money to the government. But as we sell off our land, we have also lost money coming from that land in future and we’ve also lost control over what is done with that land.

We need to set up systems whereby no one person or company can profit only for themselves through the use of this land. This means proper taxes contributing to all. On the other hand, we want people to be able to profit from the land in terms of being able to look after it and develop it, so the real question is about not only what we want but what we don’t want and how to sort them out.

The primary principle here is that the land belongs to all the people within that government, because Good Governance is using the power of the human group (POHG).

In particular, government needs to take charge of the ownership and development of its own land and be careful about personal and commercial ownership. Government must not allow the sale of any land to overseas interests, particularly not agricultural land. It is not ‘investment kick-starting jobs’ as if we can’t. The money just disappears and is gone. This is especially true for farming land which has already been developed. Foreign ownership will make no difference in the number of jobs, and the money just disappears offshore.

After all, ultimately the POHG owns it or has jurisdiction. In fact, government, which is the cooperative effort of humans after all, needs to have control of the land, as well as food and especially water. All of us need to protect ourselves against gods owning these and holding us to ransom which of course they do.

We really need to work out these rights and benefits of a country’s resources to its people. This is a problem world-wide, and once again, huge gods benefit and generate billions of peons. This sounds like a mad generalization, except that it isn’t; it’s actually showing you the extent of the problem of allowing gods to rule us and tell us that all this is ‘God’ given (for them), which it’s not, it’s just suckerdom. This ‘allowing’ is part of all our overseas ‘trade deals’ which are great for gods, and not so good for peons – these are indeed some of the things that need to change.

Land and housing.  (13.18)

The business of how governments control their land also affects people at a personal level when they want housing.

The government sells land for housing to the biggest god to develop same, and these gods tend to be banks, and they make their money by guess what? Holding people to ransom for the land. This is ridiculous and horrible to boot.

We need ways for land development for housing to be under the control of Good Governance’ (we, the people) with no private godship exploitation in between. So we need to control the banks too for our own sake.

Money and the banks.  (13.19)

Our ‘noble’ banks are major players in the ownership or control of land development and our housing and hence our security, which means holding us to ransom, so they do, and nowadays that’s a lot of ransom. All of these have gods on Obscene Salaries.

This control means that they make money out of you which gives them more control, etc, etc; if you can afford a house at all that is. This is exacerbated by banks handling all our salaries, (which is actually quite a recent development which we don’t seem to notice or query at all, but it does give the banks a different attitude toward their ‘customers’).

Banks are a major player in the gods’ ‘Rush Up’ economic system, whereby people’s earnings disappear into the private purse of godship and will continue to do so. As we travel further down the feudalism track it is almost too late to shut the door after the horse has bolted, so I will not deal with changing the current banking non-regulation. We had those regulations in place for very good reasons, but the banks didn’t like it – strange about that. Our ‘greed is good’ mantra is quite close in time to the deregulation of said banks.

Banks can afford to buy up the land that people want for housing, and then charge monster amounts for said ‘developed’ land. Anybody who can afford a housing mortgage will spend a good 25 years of their life paying a large amount of their earnings to said banks. And, of course, those who cannot afford a mortgage, such as being on a single and/or basic wage, will be paying rent, which also disappears into the private purse of those who can afford housing and so on. This is a truly enormous amount of money that is not available for the ‘common weal’, and it does leave society a bit ‘sick’. Illness, disadvantage, disability and so on makes things even worse.

This cannot change unless and until Good Governance as POHG, or non-profit organizations set up a bank so that money does not disappear ‘up’. And just because the banks will squeal doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do it.

My suggestion about banks would be…

That Good Governance has its own bank as a non-profit organization. This means no CEO on an Obscene Salary. This is not to say that money cannot be generated for other use. [All Good Governance/POHG also need to own their own money-printing facility so that they have proper jurisdiction; very important.]

The basic purposes for this bank would include…

  • All loans for personal (own) housing as wanted (and only personal).
  • All government monetary transactions, including building, maintaining, and governing public housing. Not to mention all utilities.
  • Handling electronic PAYE transactions if people want that – providing an alternative for people who don’t want to use the big banks which have to support the CEO’s OSE.

This would give people much more real choice in dealing with banks, and at least less money ‘Rushing Up’ and away.

I deal with more specific needs under their particular topics further down.

But now we go back to addressing the needs of the soul. And the first one is housing.

Specific topics.  (13B)

Housing.  (13.20)

Our primary fears pertain to lack of safety, which means housing, and the ability to afford housing is disappearing in our increasingly feudal times. In general housing costs double about every 10 years in the cities (and don’t I wish I had ‘grasped’ this concept quite some time ago). (Notice also that this gives an actual rate of inflation of about 11% p.a. and has been for the last 40 years or so.) In comparison, the basic wage has hardly moved at all in the last 20-30 years.

It is the cost of housing and its lack of affordability that makes everyone afraid and scream for jobs, but the actual answer is to make housing more affordable for those who need it. This will help control the escalating prices of private housing in our cities. Looking for housing also tends to force us into cities because that’s where the jobs are.

Our worst fears are a society with people forced to live and work under ‘third world’ conditions of terrible poverty. As we worship godship, so we head down said track.

Our current enormous housing costs force us into jobs where godship exercises ever greater control and people have fewer and fewer fulfilling choices. Manufacturing type jobs are now farmed out to Asia and essentially Australian workers are competing with Asian conditions. Our land is now used as the main form of money generation by the big banks.

It is the unaffordable housing that makes people so afraid, hence, simply making sure that people have affordable housing greatly reduces the level of fear.

If we have good basic housing that we can make affordable for all in some manner, we reduce the need for women or men to work as peons, giving them more choice to work creatively. This also takes the pressure off women needing to work to support the mortgage and gives them real choice.

This would give a parent time to spend with their children. In particular we need to avoid children being exposed to the Media during the 6 -24-month period of ‘imprinting’ when they will end up worshipping godship. Another benefit would be more people would be around at odd times during the day, rather than the enormous ‘dormitory’ suburb effect. This would make it safer for children to walk to school. There could be more adults available to escort them, so maybe less road congestion at this time.

Something that we don’t seem to notice at all is that if we did not have to pay for housing, we would have a huge start in developing our resources throughout our lives.

By this I mean that for those people whose parents are able to give them a house at the beginning of their adult lives, so they are not losing their money on housing over the next 25 years or so, are much more likely to be able to give their children the same ‘kick-start’ in life.

What if we had a society that did not have to give so much of its money to private concerns who have no concern for them?

If we knocked the appalling cost of housing on the head, imagine the freedom of no or affordable mortgages. Maybe farmers could be paid properly for chemical-free food. We might be happy to pay more taxes! But the possibilities are amazing.

Public housing.  (13.21)

My suggestions about public housing would be…

That Good Governance/POHG build attractive, sound, basic, sensible and considerate housing with variable useful floor plans and facilities. It would be flats, no more than 3 floors high so that there would not have to be any lifts. The flats themselves would have full insulation all round, and proper sound-proofing between them, as well as a sprinkler system throughout. There needs to be public open space and room for vegie growing as required along with it. I would also propose a large public enclosed well-insulated space such as a small hall for every 20-25 flats for children to play, for people to gather etc.

This housing would be set up under a fair scheme whereby the ‘rent’ that is paid actually goes toward being able to buy and own their flat; this gives sovereignty and a major contribution to a feeling of security. The cost of the rent would cover the administration and contribute to their ownership. Various councils/governments have noticed that people looked after their housing if they were buying it. Allow people to eventually own all the flats within the whole block. This also allows people to do their own renovations, painting and so on, within limits and controls, but again it can be done. This gives people as much autonomy as possible for their own ability to do things for themselves, which is what GG wants anyway.

Allow this system to generate the money for more public housing and so on.

Cities must include natural spaces in their planning, and incorporate trees including big ones. Otherwise cities become deserts of man-made environments getting less rain, which is a problem, especially in Australia.

Another large advantage of having people buying their housing is that it would make the building of new ‘public’ housing far more acceptable within any suburb, and thus government would not be fighting to build it in areas that they already own or are within commute to the city. Our current system of ‘public housing’ makes the thought of having any of it as a neighbour basically horrifying and frightening to anyone nearby and guaranteed to decrease the ‘livability’ and thus the value of said area and there would be monster protesting.

There will always be people who need more sheltered housing but that can be managed if we think about it.

People could still buy non-government housing as they wished. But public housing would take pressure off the need for rented space and the cost of private housing.

Proper affordable housing gives people a chance to own their own home which gives them much more security and actually more time for themselves which gives more choice for more autonomy as well. All of these things help people Flower.

Once the public housing system is up and running, it should not take too long for the housing to begin to fund itself. If government develops its own land itself, that will also generate money. What I am saying here is that the large amount of money required initially to get the public housing set up properly will not be required once we have made a good start.

But we always cry, ‘what about the money’?

But what about the money?  (13.22)

We keep arguing that the money isn’t there to do this sort of thing, but we only have to look at the amount of money being gambled in Victoria alone (an Australian state of some 6.4 million people) in a single year, currently some 750 million, to realize that it’s possible if we had the will to consider these things. It is also true that our federal government spends over 4 $billion annually on the rental assistance supporting people on a pension, which is money that bleeds straight from the public purse into private godship. This is a lot of public housing. Some of the problem here is that in Australia the state governments do the housing and the federal government does the pensions.

One way to tackle this is for the government to pinch an idea from Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore and set up and run its own lottery to kick-start the housing. If the government already has contracts with P&C/godship to refrain from competing with them with a lottery, it needs to take a leaf out of godship-type companies’ own book and break the contract. This is why it’s going to be a fight. But we need this.

Notice that a lottery could continue to fund large worthwhile projects such as….

  • Buy back all utilities at fair (and not exorbitant) prices. P&C/godship ownership of publicly built utilities is another example of a private middle-man between government development and public need. It cannot be and is not ‘more efficient’ for public money to bleed into this form of P&C/godship with its Obscene Salaries for multiple CEOs.
  • Standardizing the rail gauges throughout Australia and generally upgrading and extending rail systems to carry a great deal more of our freight, light and heavy, reducing much of the wear and tear and congestion on our roads by reducing the number of trucks.
  • Fast trains between major cities or townships.
  • More railways for country and regional use, making these areas more attractive for communities and amenities.

Notice also that as we concentrate on helping others to Flower, we will not be needing the stonking costs of drug wars, medications and chemicals, secrecy and spying on one’s own population, and etc. (Remember spying is part of Feudalism.)

Utilities.  (13.23)

Our current society has ‘bought’ a whole lot of stories about governments being ‘inefficient’ and that handing everything over to P&C/gods to run will make it cheaper for us, but the needs of people and the needs of things (business) are completely different. We need to ignore this story and also refute it. Also, surely by now we can see that the cost of these things when run by gods just goes up and up; as for service, yes, well!! Being run by P&C/gods turns us into tin cans! (‘Products’, not humans.) I don’t like it, and I wonder who does. Paying vast amounts for little to no service at all makes me feel quite ill in terms of being treated like a commodity and a sucker.

Governments must own their own utilities. Selling them to multiple companies may generate income in the short term but it leaves us all caught by the ‘short and curlies’. It cannot be more efficient to have money going to the Obscene Salaries of multiple CEOs to run our utilities. It can only be more ‘efficient’ on paper in terms of accounting that does not take all the real costs into consideration, including such things as the costs of replacing for the short-term buildings/structures that is possibly cheaper than doing it long-term, but will cost a fortune to rebuild or repair when required in, say, 25 years for the next generation to pay for; how nice for them.

Remember, we will benefit for ourselves the more we can make sure that every one of us is able to reach their potential. We need housing and utilities to achieve that.

The more obvious utilities are, power, water, sewage, communications, roads, transport, etc., but police, hospitals, prisons and aged care are in there as well, and they too must be run by government, and not farmed out to private concerns.

Not only are these utilities of primary importance to all societies, they need well-trained engineers to plan and execute these things, as well as look at future possibilities. Where are they? More potential that we send down the drain?

All our government departments need good people who value service and honesty, as well as clarity of purpose and ‘big picture’ thinking, and paid properly so that Good Governance as POHG can remain independent, properly resourced and uncorrupted.

Hence our education is also very important, and by that I mean not just good schools and universities, but also people’s ability and wish to continue to educate themselves. We need the discrimination to understand that it’s not ‘all on the internet’, and to also know how to find what is not there, along with understanding the limitations of what is actually there, as well as the tools to work out where information might be and how it is collected in the first place.

Clean, nutritious, real food.  (13.24)

After housing, we need to eat. Food is our fuel, and of primary importance to us for sustaining us, (the ‘S’ of TISP) and currently we don’t think it’s important at all. (It is important to some, but gods with their scientism don’t take it into account. See also Chapter 14.) It’s like thinking that using sugar for a car instead of proper fuel is OK, and then wondering why it doesn’t do as well. We need to be more knowledgeable in all ways about our food and what we eat.

Our food needs to be clean, green and organic (or at least chemical- and poison-free), with as little commercial processing as possible. Our aim is for wellness and our maximum potential from before birth, and that is what we need to really understand, promote and work toward. Notice that sugar, alcohol and drugs are all detrimental to well-ness.

We are really failing to notice that our bodies are being progressively poisoned by the ginormous number of chemicals in our world, and not just our bodies but our minds and emotions are also affected. Or at least some people notice, but the gods certainly do not, so as far as they’re concerned, there’s nothing to worry about, and nothing’s going to change, and anyway, if you do notice, you’re just fussing and you don’t count. This is our current attitude.

And also, notice that we currently do not have a ‘Wellness’ health system, we have a ‘Sickness’ health system. See also Chapter 14, Body Matters.

Currently we have great difficulty approaching any of these aims. For most people (~95%) food will be processed with god knows what, and will have been produced with large amounts of you-don’t-want-to-know chemicals. It is convenient and tasty for people who are too busy and tired to think, or even to notice that eating this food is making them progressively more tired, and so they become ever more tied to the rat-race.

If any chemical is intrinsically toxic to bugs, it has to be intrinsically toxic to our gut. If any food can only be grown in a sea of poisons, it has to be poisonous to us. We’re not looking, and don’t know what levels of what are in our food, and the gods don’t know either, and don’t care as long as they have the money to avoid the consequences. The only way of finding out, short of paying for these things yourself, is for Good Governance as POHG to study what is actually there. But our current governments are being run by gods. So, that’s the end of that.

You won’t get any truth from gods, eg, large chemical manufacturers in the USA do not allow independent testing of their chemicals. Fancy allowing a business to dictate to government; this is totally ridiculous but true! This is absolutely taking P&C/gods at their own ‘noble’ and ‘scientific’ word. Whatever happened to ‘buyer beware’? It is only when other countries, eg. from Europe, have investigated and published their studies can we get any idea of the real truth. This will not be reported by commercial Media anyway.

The basics are, if we want a population of people who are well, and can stay well under the definition of well-ness, we need to ask some questions….

  • What is true nutrition? Can it be achieved commercially at all? Remember processing greatly reduces the nutritional value of what you ingest. Some of these foods are probably deleterious, as in, using up your resources to process them out of the body, and how will you replace these resources?
  • How do we get to clean? Really clean. Not just ignoring it all.
  • How do we get to green?
  • How do we get to chemical-free?
  • And can we? Well, the basic premise of this UUS is that we can, and it will take time. We need to think about what we want, and why, and work out how to sustain our children and ourselves properly throughout our lives, and that means protecting ourselves from gods.

This means not only remediation of a worsening situation that is affecting everyone’s ability to function fully well, but defining and clarifying just exactly what is needed as well as actually carrying it out. A single example of the problems is the need to be very careful about the word ‘organic’.

A problem with ‘organic’.  (13.25)

One of the consequences of our tendency to simply source foods from the cheapest countries is the problem of what’s in said food. Two of these current source countries are India and China, both of which have long histories of civilizations that developed mining and smelting, textiles and their dyes, and ceramics with their glazes, all of which involve the use of heavy metals poisonous to humans. Also, both of these countries still continue to manufacture and use chemicals that are banned in ‘the Western world’. These metals and chemicals are, by definition, in their soils and end up in the foods grown there. However, these countries are generally too poor to use all the chemicals that US farmers are able to use because the US government subsidizes farming. Thus, the foods from India and China rarely have any problems with the type of chemicals used in the Western world, but 1. the Western world forgets to test for chemicals not used by said Western world, and 2. these foods sure can have problems with heavy metals. If a ‘local’ (to you) company that wishes to sell ‘organic’ foods is only testing for chemicals in these imported foods, it will fail to test for any heavy metals, generally because of lack of awareness, which means that you had better beware for yourself because no-one else does.

Australia and New Zealand as relatively ‘new’ countries don’t (yet) have such a problem with heavy metals, and tend to be unaware of such problems in other countries, so they forget to watch out and don’t test. Hence, you get to, with some real problems if you don’t know and don’t watch out for yourself. Poisoning by heavy metals is no joke.

This leads to the problem of ‘clean’.

Keeping it clean.  (13.26)

All life needs Clean, air, water and soil, which leads to real food which leads to real health and wellness.

As we poison ourselves, we poison others; as we poison others, so we poison ourselves. (Mirror Laws)

How many animals foul their own nests?

So, how on earth do we get to clean? And I am not talking about the kind of cleanliness that we have after the event, eg, washing food preparation surfaces (and the food) down with chlorine (and gassing ourselves) because it’s potentially filthy for whatever reason, probably also made by us.

Humans have a long history of ditching/disposing of our wastes/poisons by burying them or sending them into rivers or the sea for ‘mother Earth’ to clean up, and generally got away with it, or could move somewhere else if things got bad. On the other hand, we have little written record of what happens when we don’t (get away with it) unless we can write in a permanent manner and other civilizations can read it. Out of sight is out of mind, and thus there is no problem. We are still doing this.

But these habits of ours developed over all those years while population numbers were relatively small are now disastrous under large populations, and we have nowhere left to ‘run’. I don’t actually consider Mars or the Moon a useful alternative, as you may have guessed.

Hence our current behaviour is unsustainable. We kind of know that, and we actually do not know what to do about it, and certainly are not in a position to do much personally in the face of the enormous onslaught of chemical use, so we kind of hope that it doesn’t affect us too much, but are continuing to continue in our habits. Fear is debilitating us.

But sustain is part of TISP. If there’s no ‘S’, there’s no TISP, and no TISP means no Love given, and no Life. These poisons we use are costing us in many ways; some we know of and most we don’t, but they certainly affect our health, and the longer we leave this problem, the worse it will get.

This is where our Market Forces and our worship of gods are really biting us on the bum. Gods make money out of producing products which make messes for us and the environment while peons buy and use them for their convenience. But the whole point of understanding godship is that gods do not suffer the consequences of their behaviour, and consider that they will always be able to get away or be protected in some manner; many of them think they’ll be able to live on the Moon or Mars, etc. once things are too bad on Earth! (And gods congratulate themselves on their intelligence!) It’s peons who are stuck in it, and peons include the ‘weak’ which include children. Gods are extremely bad at protecting children; in fact, gods protect themselves only, and that’s that. (To repeat, this is about what they do, not what they say.)

Gods and messes.  (13.27)

One of the more important points in this book is to really understand that gods consider themselves immortal and that ‘nothing’s gonna get them’ until it does, (but don’t hold your breath), and even then, they may or may not change. They are free to make messes as they please, and Somebody Else will clean up. This is how they have been brought up and we allow it, because we would like to do that too, but we can’t afford to go on wanting that. Hence, gods will not stop making messes because they consider that none of this affects them, and they will take no notice of you or anyone else they consider a peon, and it is only the power of the human group (POHG) that can change this. The gods won’t and individuals are simply not able to do this, and are nowadays at great risk of being killed/’disappeared’ if they try; (and we sure don’t want to look at this one).

The biggest problem is that gods look like humans and are able to say human things especially those things they know you want to hear. “Yes, but it was an accident, and no, I won’t ever do that again, and yes, I will try to clean it up but I don’t have to know how, so I won’t do a very good job, and I may even make a greater mess in the process, but you’re not ‘sposed to criticize and anyway you’re fussing. And yes, I’m actually a loving, caring person, capable of kissing babies just to show you I am.” And notice, this happens from the home/family environment all the way through to huge companies, eg, BP using a terrible poison as a dispersant for all that incalculable amount of dreadful oil they spilt in the Gulf of Mexico, all making a permanent mess of the environment, which kills life. The point being that you can’t tell by what gods say in public; you can only tell by what they do and how they behave. Godship is an attitude to life that values Power, Control and Money above all else, generally because we are unaware of the consequences, as well as having no idea of any alternative. If you ‘buy’ what gods say, you have been ‘sucked in’, and will be unable to protect yourself from them, as in, you are not able to TISP yourself, because the ‘P’ is missing. Hence the list of things that gods do and where to find them (Chapter 9), to help you identify them so you can ‘watch out’.

We bring our children up to be gods because of our social conditioning, particularly boys who are allowed to make messes and somebody else cleans it up. Women as ‘loving’ mothers are simply not allowed to enforce their boys/men to do a proper job of cleaning up after themselves. In this way, the woman is unable to protect herself from more work, which makes her quite justifiably cross, but she’s supposed to ‘put it all behind her’, and ‘forgive’ them and hope like hell it doesn’t happen again, except that the gods are never faced with their consequences, and this is the attitude they take with them into adult life. And nothing will change unless this attitude is changed. Notice that cleaning up after oneself properly has to be enforced and regulated, all the way from children to companies, as the way to protect ourselves and the environment and life, and, by golly, it involves effort and knowledge. In fact, it’s a good idea not to make a mess in the first place, but that also involves the effort of taking care.

Cleaning up after ourselves properly means that said mess does not affect anyone else, including the environment, which means taking responsibility as Adults and facing the utter nitty-gritty of working out how to protect our children and all life. As you mess up others so you mess up yourself (ML). Notice how closely gods resemble the tyrant child – they simply have not and cannot grow up.

The argument here is that only by giving TISP as a Group which I label as Good Governance can we begin to face this horrible problem. The other thing to understand is that the situation will cost us whether we try to fix it or not. If we don’t, we have increasing poor health which is not what GG wants or needs; it just means more people to support with less money. Leaving these problems to our children to address is completely irresponsible on our part, and they won’t be impressed, and rightly so.

The problem of poisoning the earth is our problem – God isn’t doing this to us, we’re doing it to God’s creations – and godship exacerbates this, and gods will never stop of their own accord. Hence the need to stop godship in all its ways.

We need to look at where all these chemicals come from, and what they are, and why they are there and why we use them in the first place. Usually the answer is because we view life in a mechanistic manner that in fact kills life and therefore us.

Some of our poisons.

Chemicals including metals.  (13.28)

We use vast numbers of chemicals in our houses and bodies and to produce food and all eventually pollute the environment and make us sick. They are in our food, medicine, households, gardens, farms, industries, etc., hormones, mostly fake; hair products, cleaning chemicals, antibiotics, paints, fats, you name it; anything down the loo, bath or kitchen sink. And, of course, industrial use with environmental pollution authorities as toothless tigers with no real power to stop any. A great deal of our ‘health care’ involves the use of poisons, by definition (because we’re trying to poison the things that ‘bug’ us), which go on to poison the environment. Even our vaccines have poisons in them as preservatives, but we’re not going to look at the effect of dosing our babies/children with lots of them, and we make sure the manufacturers don’t have to be responsible. (Of all the things to be worried about, worry about the products of companies specifically given indemnity by government.)

We are not even looking at how these things make us sick. We are not even looking at the level and extent of poisoning of the soil and water and air or its effects on human bodies, or any of the interactions between the current 80,000+ chemicals that are killing our environment, and hence, us. This ‘looking’ will not happen under P&C/godship either; its only POHG that can tackle this as the way to protect humans and children.

Nuclear radiation.  (13.29)

Here is another thing we don’t want to look at.

We have not been able to stop ‘accidents’; we don’t use good designs; the ‘waste’ is a terrible permanent problem, but still we hear the gods telling us that it’s a ‘great thing’. Our children will not be pleased to have to deal with this dreadful stuff, so, stop it. We already ignore what’s actually happening with Fukushima in Japan which is ongoing and can’t be stopped, so our ‘solution’ is to take no notice!

Sewage.  (13.30)

Under natural circumstances our poohs should be able to be used as fertilizer, but we get increasingly further from this principle, so we can’t. Our use of chemicals stops this so it can’t be used.

It’s probably impossible to stop people using our sewage systems for garbage and poisons but we could certainly set our minds and our cleverness to working out ways to be able to use our poohs properly as water and fertilizer once again. However, our current methods of recycling ‘water’ don’t quite ‘cut the mustard’ in terms of ‘clean’ because we have major trouble filtering out all those hormones we throw around, so then we drink them – surprise! What is filtered out fairly easily are relatively ‘large’ in the scheme of things; filtering out things such as proteins and many chemicals is both difficult and expensive, so doesn’t happen.

Electronic Pollution.  (13.31)

The use of electronic communications media also pollutes our world with a great ocean of EMFs, the consequences of which we know almost nothing. However, it does appear to affect wildlife. In Australia, eg, kookaburras and wedge-tailed eagles are more likely to be observed in ‘black spots’ for mobiles. This is at 4G level. This was written before 5G came on the scene.)

EMFs probably affect us at a cellular level interfering with the ways that the cells work.

They are likely to…

  • Set up noise and racket internally and externally, leading to neither silence, nor sounds of nature.
  • Block awareness of our own ability to be sensitive to the ‘vibes’ of Nature, and prevent our developing/realising our own resources in this area.

This particularly cheerful section is followed by another set of problems that we need to address that only POHG can do.

The problems are huge and ghastly, but I still think it can be done, step by step and bit by bit, but by humans, not gods.

Keeping it clear, as in, clarity, honesty, and truth.  (13.32)

More about mess, in terms of waste, rubbish and clutter.

We have enormous amounts of waste, rubbish and clutter in our lives, personally and socially.

As we make Earth, Life and Nature cope with our waste and rubbish, so we waste and rubbish our own lives. (Mirror Laws – them again.)

We can’t just keep burying all our stuff. It’s enormous and unsustainable. More than half the stuff in any shopping centre will be in a tip within 2 years – this is ridiculous. Our values are up the creek.

Some of this is poisonous/harmful because of what’s in it, eg, metals in our electronic waste, plastic if we burn it, asbestos in building materials, and some of it is just the bulk of all those things we throw away, and cost too much to reduce, reuse or recycle.

But we can’t behave ourselves and dispose of them properly, so they end up all over the earth (especially plastics), and throughout the environment and kill life. And if you’re still reading this dreary section, you might understand that as we kill life, so we’re killing ourselves and our children. (ML)

And once again, we cannot leave it to the gods to do something, because they don’t know and don’t care, because they are more able to avoid the consequences.

Plastics are a particular problem.  (13.33)

Humans are simply not gonna completely stop using plastics. They are so light and waterproof and being without them in our world makes life far less convenient. On the other hand, they are made from oil, and it’s oil that drives much of the political shenanigans of the ‘first world’ with its exploitation of the ‘third world’, along with the oil countries throwing their weight around in the same hideous manner.

Plastics are generally stable in terms of breaking down, but often brittle in terms of many of them breaking up into smaller colourful chunks, in that they tend to end up all over the place for animals to ingest or get mucked up in some manner and unable to function, so they die, as in, we are killing them, however inadvertently or unconsciously on our part.

However, the current ‘great technological solution’ to eg, plastic bags is to make them able to disintegrate into millions of tiny fragments which the earth still gets to deal with, as in, it’s still plastic, but now much easier for all to ingest – another ‘great solution’. We also try to control domestic use while failing to tackle the staggering level of commercial use – too hard.

Hence the acute need to begin to find ways of working out what we use and need and why, and working out alternatives as well as what to do with what we have used. For our own sakes we humans have to work these things out so we can stop doing this.

Personal rubbish/clutter.  (13.34)

The amount of rubbish/clutter and waste you have about you in your immediate environment is a measure of the level of clutter and waste in your mind; it is truly much harder to achieve any clarity of mind when it’s full of clutter.

A messy environment ‘messes up’ your mental abilities, so that you can’t be clear about what you want or what is important or where you want to go. Almost all clutter is about having no real goals in your future.

Being clear in your own mind about your intent and motives, which includes what’s important and matters for you at the deepest level, helps you to focus and be more powerful for yourself in how you use your energy. Hence the need for clarity and simplicity in your personal environment, and one of the more useful things about truth and honesty is that they are simpler.

Sorting, clarifying and clearing one’s own stuff personally is still necessary as part of tackling society’s huge problems.

Clarity and truth.  (13.35)

The truth is rarely comfortable or easy, but we can’t work out problems properly if we don’t know all the parameters, and usually we won’t know these when someone or some institution would ‘lose face’, so we don’t get told. An example here would be the use of very large wind turbines for power generation which in Australia is subsidised by government, but generally we don’t know this or by how much, so we can’t really tell whether they are really worthwhile, or are a few people making money and the rest of us hope on? This is not an argument against renewable energy resources; it’s an argument about having all of the facts/parameters on the table.

Trying to find out all the facts is hard and time-consuming work, and requires a lot of knowledge. Wanting to know all the facts as a POHG is also a difficult topic area because currently the government will only listen to other gods, who always have their own axe to grind, so cannot look at anything without the bias of money and/or personal power in the mix. These sorts of biases mean that a lot of facts/data just gets buried in other stuff. Which brings me back to lack of truth and definitely lack of transparency.

A society that understands what matters and what is important can cope with the truth and work with it.

Noise and deafness.  (13.36)

Noise is actually another way we clutter up our lives. It stops us being with our own thinking, or able to hear the small voice within and certainly stops us being able to hear what the natural world has to tell us, so we can’t be clear within ourselves and life cannot help us. This noise is not just from the world around us but the noise of ‘entertainment’ distracting us from our lives.

In terms of being able to hear ‘the other’, deafness stops intimacy, and thus real relationship, with one of the bigger problems of deafness is that many do not actually notice these problems. In welcoming huge levels of noise/sound we also quite cheerfully ‘knock out’ one of our senses that happens to help us stay safe, so we are failing to protect ourselves (and hence no TISP for our InSelf). Are we expecting ‘the other’ to look out for us?

We are becoming so used to deafness that we then expose babies and small children to the enormous levels of amplified music as our form of entertainment, so then they go deaf early. What are we doing?

I include access to peace and quiet as one of the necessities for the soul. This then raises the questions of do you have it, and can you get it or want to, and so on?

Keeping it beautiful.  (13.37)

“One can make no better investment than the cultivation of a taste for the beautiful, for it will bring rainbow hues and enduring joys to the whole life. It will not only greatly increase one’s capacity for happiness, but also one’s efficiency.” Orison Swett Marden

Humans need free and easy access to parks, trees, open spaces, gardens, art, music, and all beautiful things. All of these things need to be built into our lives as much as possible, including developing them, as well as your own ability to make some for yourself. Humans have always been capable of making beautiful things, and we forget that they do not always need lots of money to do so. The idea here is to concentrate on bringing beauty into your own life using your own abilities, and develop these.

Interestingly, ‘Charm’ as a quality of our environment or a pastime seems to disappear in a world of gods, and is currently in short supply. (Gods and peons can both do charm, so for people it’s not an identifying attribute.) Do we even know what charm is? Most people consider that it does not even count; we only recognize the world of ‘bling’ and noise.

‘Bling’ and glitter are almost always about being impressive to the other, in that lots of money is being spent here, but it may not necessarily be beautiful and possibly with no charm whatsoever.

Regulation and enforcement.  (13.38)

“there is no substitute for an efficient regulatory system that ensures that all companies are operating to the same high standards. We cannot depend on voluntary compliance.”[58][

Quote from West Fertilizer Blast report.

We are likely to have gods around for some time to come, so Good Governance has to work out how to regulate and enforce the large number of ways that humans need to protect themselves from gods. We already have much in place as a knowledge base of what is needed, but policing with enforcement is a huge problem, and it costs, and will probably always cost. As the quote says, we cannot depend on voluntary compliance. On the other hand, some costs will decrease, eg, spying on your own population or current ‘wars’ on whatever (people who are Flowering don’t need addictions).

Once again, it involves good clear thinking about what we want, which is give TISP to ‘the other’, and how we do that in the best way, for our own sake.

More topics.  (13.39)

There are a multitude of other topics, all cheerful of course, but all needing to be addressed for our own sake, (in case I’m not repeating myself enough).

Our tertiary education must be able to be independent, and funded properly to be so. This is so that it can be a neutral, independent voice, but gods don’t like that.

We also need the skills and abilities to be able to address…

  • Proper independent research in so many ways.
  • Defining women’s attributes and valuing them, and using them in changing our society.
  • Thinking about what is required here.
  • Analysis of extent of pollution – what are we up against? Because we don’t know at all.
  • Methods of tackling the pollution – chemistry, engineering, farming, medicine, etc.
  • Methods of accounting and costing and valuing Soul – new ways of thinking how we monitor and prioritize and control P&C/godship. Money, economics, counting, value, responsibility, law, testing.
  • Energy needs, utilities, transport and education.
  • How we can sort out our housing, cleaning up, food security.
  • Alternative, solar, wind and sustainable forms of energy production, and reduce reliance on such things as nuclear energy, coal, oil, etc.
  • Reducing reliance on oil-derived products; a big one which includes the plastics question.
  • Legal systems controlling P&C/godship.
  • Monetary systems that keep money in Good Governance systems for public good.
  • Good Governance protecting itself against exploitation eg. Sugar, alcohol, drugs etc. By this I mean that we need to be more aware of how what we ingest affects our health, and what our bad habits actually cost the government.
  • Working toward self-sufficiency at all levels.
  • Justice, police, regulation, prisons, etc.
  • Guns, weapons manufacture and defense; how much do we need them?
  • And lots more.

Conclusion.  (13.40)

The aim of this chapter has been to look at some of the factors to take into consideration when thinking about how to use the power of the human group to give TISP to the other. Some of them are a bit daunting, but the main conclusion is that change must happen, and that it can happen, and in fact we simply would be happier if we worked toward these things both personally and socially.

One of the most important benefits of using the Power of the Human Group to give TISP to ‘the other’ is that it reduces the level of fear within society, which I consider currently very high and increasing. Covid-19 simply ups the ante. The main problem with fear is that we turn our heads off and simply React, which dumbs us down. This may suit godship, but it won’t suit you; it just leaves you feeling like a victim and being sorry for yourself. Humans are looking for that Explore and Express, and we dearly want to get to the human ability to Flower which is also a Creativity, because that is where our True Self-Esteem comes from, and Reacting is an opposite of Creating. Hence, the less fear, the more possible it is to get to Creative, and all of society can benefit from that.

Just imagine.

Now we turn to matters pertaining to our body and how we decide whether it matters or not, and what to do about that.