
The Matter of Having a Heart.


This prologue is looking at our current explanations about Why We are Here having a life on Earth. (WWH) The argument of this book is that these explanations are not helping us much in our efforts to ‘Become all we could be’, which I rather suspect all humans want very much, so the first thing we need to do is examine what these current explanations are, along with their effect on us human beings.

Who needs ‘Explanations’?

How much do our current WWH Explanations, ie, our ‘world view’, ie, our beliefs and concepts about Life and what it is all for, help us to get to Becoming? And I think the answer is, not much, and I don’t think we’re that happy about it either. How can we get to ‘Become’ for ourselves if we don’t know what that might be? Neither do we understand the point of doing any such thing, as in, why bother? But we are actually wanting to know what is the Meaning and Point of having a Life on Earth? What is it all for? And always we come back to this question, because it is a ‘bottom line’ or ‘tin tacks’ or ‘root cause’ type of question. It runs underneath all we think and do in life, and it affects our attitudes to and our motives for what we do in life, ie, what we look for; how we react to what happens to us; how we go about getting what we look for, or even if we think we could get such things. For a simplistic example, if we believe life is about love, our values in life will reflect this belief, and we will think and act accordingly, while, if we believe that life is about money, our values in life will be according to this belief, and our actions will be quite different from the person who thinks life is about love. What we believe about life affects our response to others in our lives. Our actions in life affect others, and hence the social structures that we have, and we set up our social structures to include this human behaviour. Underlying whatever we do in life are our motives for what we do; our own ‘why’.

So, while we like to think that our ideas about WWH have no bearing on life, they do affect us, but we don’t understand how. We don’t like the ones we have, and don’t know what to do with them, so we tend to ignore them. But that’s all we have, and they don’t make that much sense to most, but we’re supposed to believe and not ask questions.

Another thing that we find very difficult is that the bulk of what we believe about these explanations has ‘gone in’ to us in our early years, in whatever manner; parents, teachers, other people and especially the Media. And anything that has been absorbed by us humans within our first seven years is not conscious to us, as in, we are not aware of them, ie, these Explanations are simply ‘just there’, and we are actually unaware that there is anything to query in the first place. However, just because we are unaware of them does not mean they are not there.

So, what happens when we have ‘Explanations’ that makes no sense? Well, we won’t look at Life on Earth, much less with any depth – either ourselves or even Life for that matter.  If something doesn’t make sense, we won’t be able to ever ‘know’ it through our own experience. All we are doing is being told to believe, while suspending disbelief. It’s much better and nicer to have ‘Explanations’ that are useful and make sense, so that we can actually ‘know’ it for ourselves, and decide for ourselves, whether this is a ‘truth’ or not. If it is actually true, we feel more secure in Life. When we cannot find a proper WWH with sense, it makes us feel insecure in Life, deep down, and we don’t like it. To spell this out, we don’t feel safe, either with God or Life. And with that, we tend to feel that ‘they’re all out to get us’, so we try to control it all, but we actually can’t; not even ‘Big’ people. This is our primary complaint! Trying to control it all is about Fear, and no Love here. Hence our ‘Explanations’ for Life (in the Western world) cannot sustain us. In fact, these ‘answers’ stop us looking in the first place; there’s no point (just in case I haven’t said this enough).

Our WWH questions are actually a suite of questions including, how did we get here; who has the power to put us here; who can we blame; is it all an accident; who designed us; what are we looking for; and so on.

These questions are intertwined and interdependent, and yet, if we don’t tease them apart, we will find it harder to get any kind of ‘handle’ on answering them. But we need to query them if we want to understand how to ‘Become’, because otherwise we won’t be able to sort out what is working and what doesn’t, and above all, why this is so, as well as what makes sense.

But it’s not only about our reasons why; it’s also about how to handle this extraordinary diversity of life situations that we find ourselves in, both good and bad. We have huge differences in attributes and abilities, as well as enormous differences in wealth and poverty, not to mention Life itself then ‘drops us in it’ and we are afraid, and how on earth do we get the good, and dodge the bad? So, what can we do? Well, we humans definitely tend to watch the ‘mister Bigs’ and try to do as they do, especially if they seem to get the ‘good’ stuff and a lot less of the ‘bad’. On the whole, we would love to have a lot more protection, and a lot more control over life. There is a lot more about this in the book.

Our Current Explanations.

We have two sorts of ‘Explanations’ which I label as God, and ‘Machine Thinking’ which includes all our hype about Artificial Intelligence (AI) which I will refer to as Machines. ‘God’ here is a single entity. Also, most cultures and civilizations from all parts of the world over millennia have had gods of many types.

What is our current ‘God Explanation’?

In general, it boils down to these points;

  • Life on Earth is seen as a sort of elaborate gaol or prison that we are stuck in willy-nilly, ie, against our will; and it’s ‘for our own good’, and He knows everything, as in, God has done this to us, and He’s bigger and He has forced us to be here. So, we are trapped. There’s no choice; we don’t know why and He’s not telling, and we don’t know how to get out, short of dying, or maybe, tons of meditating, etc. Hence, what we get in this life is a sort of lottery over which we have no control, ie, we are powerless, and don’t know what to do about this ‘entrapment’. And then things get dropped on us from ‘on high’, or fate, or the fairies, or whatever….
  • Not to mention being here is so awful that it must be a punishment, so we must have done something bad and are ‘sinners’, although we don’t know how. (Read, nobody in their right mind would choose to be here.) So then, we have to be Good, which is what? Well, we are given the Ten Commandments, but they come with an ‘Or Else’, ie, a threat. Nice. Or we go to Hell? Which is what? Not to mention, if we only have one life on Earth, just when and how did we get to be ‘sinners’? Is this ‘Explanation’ implying more than one life? Oh dear, now what?
  • But fortunately, we only have one. Err, surely? But lots of civilizations believe in many lives. Well, we can’t have both ‘right’. Which is which?
  • And why do we need threats? Well, of course it is to make us ‘Good’ according to whomever has the power to decide, as well as to stop us asking more questions. Otherwise, we might find out that the answers are not much chop, and those giving these ‘answers’ don’t actually know – funny about that. We have to ‘believe it’ because it doesn’t make sense, so we cannot understand or know it. But the problem with having to believe anything you don’t know about and can’t find out about, is that you have to repress/bury any disbelief, and hope that God or the gods don’t notice that it is still there inside you. And actually, it is still there inside you, but you don’t know that now because you’ve buried it, ie, you’re hiding it from yourself because it’s painful. The result of this ‘burying’ is that you are now being not conscious or aware of it, as in, unconscious of whatever. But whatever is in your unconscious ‘comes out’, ie, it ‘shows up’ in your attitudes and your behaviour, by definition, which means that other people can see it, even if you can’t. And you’ll stay afraid as long as it stays in your unconscious. Lots more about this in the book.
  • There are no rewards on Earth either. Why not? Rewards are supposedly only in Heaven, as in, definitely later, and the threat is you may go to Hell. This makes no sense either. See Rewards, below.
  • And in all this we are looking for someone to blame. Who or what has put us here? It must be God or whatever equivalent, or if there’s no God, it must be a machine. Even if it’s a machine, it’s still a lottery and we’re still powerless. Also, machines are a relatively ‘modern’ addition.

But running underneath this ‘explanation’ is our belief that this ‘Explanation’ is coming from God. Well, maybe this ‘explanation’ is actually coming from a human being. And if so, first up, it’s quite plain that (a) this person did not like having a life on Earth, and felt trapped, and (b) he couldn’t work out what the rewards might be, and neither could his mates. But he was in a position of authority within his tribe, and ‘knew the word of God’, of course. Not to mention, God is bigger than us, and can push us around as He pleases. And life on Earth is so awful, we must have been bad, somehow, but when? And how? But, no telling. A lottery? A guessing game? And we guess on. And none of this is any use in finding our Becoming for ourselves.

But, notice some of the points implicit within this ‘Explanation’. A primary one is that God shoves us around, and it’s ‘for our own good’. He also doesn’t tell us why; He’s punishing us for not being Good, or for not doing as we are told, and He’s capricious, ie, it makes no sense.

And if God does that, it’s OK for us to do that too. But it’s Not OK. Nobody likes being shoved around and it simply doesn’t work. And ‘for our own good’ is always a worry, because it is still a ‘shoving’. It may take time to show, but we all resent it, and resentment brings sabotage. Neither do we like the other factors listed. And we really know perfectly well inside that actual Love is not here, no matter what we say. So, this begs the question of does God love us or not? Either He does or He doesn’t.

If He does love us, He can’t and won’t be shoving us around, so how come we’re here? Who else is there to do any shoving around? So, then what?

If He doesn’t love us, what then? Well, I suspect that’s the end of the story. There’s No Point and never was and it’s all a Machine. But, what about so many other religions, teachings and old sayings throughout the world over millennia many of which pointed to some sort of ‘higher awareness or higher consciousness’ as a source in some manner, and all of us humans want love and to be cared about, with no exceptions to that. In fact, the only real question for us is what it is (love), and can we find it for ourselves, and we get very cross and unhappy when we can’t. And no Machine is the vaguest bit interested in anything of the kind.

The question of ‘Who Put Us Here?’, is also about ‘Who Made Us?’ in the first place (not to mention Why), and that means someone has had to design us, as in, think about what was required in the first place for humans to exist and live. But nothing can design ‘higher’ than itself; it’s not possible; not even by accident. And the premise here is that there’s a fair dose of design in human beings. Hence, if humans have this ‘love’ and heart component in them, so must whatever has designed us. Also, love wants relationship and connection, and I’m not sure if we really understand this as a society, but it is crucial for Becoming.

But this ‘God’ Explanation as it is, doesn’t make sense to us and hence we find it ‘irrational’, and so we conclude that God must be irrational. How do we take any notice of someone who is irrational? But we don’t consider that maybe it’s the human doing the ‘translating’, that’s a bit wonky. And so we look for a much more ‘rational’ Explanation and that’s how we get to Machine or AI ‘thinking’. See below.

The next question is, what’s this ‘higher awareness or higher consciousness’ bit?

Higher consciousness.

The primary ability that humans have is that they can think about their own thinking. This is a ‘higher awareness or consciousness’. The way we do that is to get ‘higher up’ and observe our own thinking, and then we can see it, viz, we can be aware of it, so we can query what that thought actually is, and why we think that way, and where it may have come from. Anyone who has been surprised at how they have reacted to a situation can ask themselves ‘what was I thinking?’. As we increase consciousness or awareness, it leads to a bigger picture, as a bird can fly higher and see more. This gives us greater choice in life, which then becomes more interesting. We feel less stuck or trapped, and are less bored.

No machine of any kind can do any such thing, much less produce another version of itself within its own limitations, which we humans do ‘just like that’. Machines certainly cannot Become anything other than what they are, or blossom on the way to that. We human beings are God’s Flowering as is all Life, and we want to Flower and Become, as well. Machines don’t do Becoming, or relating, or wanting anything ‘from the bottom of their (non-existent) hearts’. But we need our hearts to find our ‘heart’s desires’! Machines are heart-less, and in fact soulless, and that’s the world we’re heading into, and we know that machines are heartless, and we still think that it’s OK to be like that?! I have never found a machine able to do such a thing as give life, (except in a mechanical way) and I have never found a machine that had any Life in it at all, much less love.

To repeat, all machines are designed by a ‘higher awareness’ in the first place; in fact it is the ‘higher awareness’ that can conceive such a thing. No machine can design ‘higher’ than itself, simply because a machine cannot conceive of any such thing. All machines are programmed by humans, and need humans to maintain them. So, how could a machine design and produce humans, not to mention the whole interconnected beauty of the tapestry of Life in Nature? Only a machine could consider that a machine could be the source of Life.

And what about dreams? Just because we take no notice of them or consider them useless, does not mean that they don’t happen, or actually are useless. Jung considered them very important. Many people warn that as we ignore them, our heart-felt goals fade away also. No machine dreams of anything; we love machines because they don’t sleep, and do as they are told, ie, programmed.

Machine Thinking.

But we like this ‘Machine Thinking’ Explanation. We think there’s lots of advantages to it, and that the old ‘God’ WWH Explanation is out of date, and irrational (and primitive) to boot.

One of the problems of Machine thinking is that we now take no notice of the Ten Commandments, and they are no longer taught. They’ve gone with God. But these Commandments are instructions for societies to be civil to each other, and able to co-exist in peace over the long term. We know enough about human psychology to realize that without these commandments, it all becomes dog-eat-dog and winner-takes-all, and ‘civilizations’ tend to disintegrate and fall over. The point about the Ten Commandments is that following them keeps us safe from each other, ie, civilized. They are not just a religious injunction; they are about human psychology. When we ignore them, no-one feels safe, including you. That’s the consequence; Fear. It’s the ‘Or Else’. We’ve been testing these commandments forever, and we’re now seeing what happens to social structures and ‘civilization’ when we revert to ‘might is right’, which we already know about. We had it for hundreds of years, and we called it Feudalism. Not to mention, this was the Dark Ages, which took a lot of getting out of. Everything starts to become rather ‘uncivil’ and ‘uncivilized’. ‘Winner takes all’ rips societies apart, and the ‘un-mighty’, which is most of us, have an increasingly difficult time of it, and everyone becomes afraid and rightly so, because no-one is safe. (Think of all those keeps and castles the ‘bigger’ people had to build and defend all the time, and tough if you were a peon/serf.) So, then what?

Now we have gone to ‘Machine Thinking’ we think that we will not be punished, because there’s no-one to punish us. We think the ‘Or Else’ has gone. So, the ‘mighty’ can do as they please and win, and then they get to dictate to everybody else, their way; ‘Winner takes all’. Gone is anything about ‘Do as you would be done by’; that’s another piece of garbage. And still, we want to do as we please, throw our weight around as much as possible, and get away with it. This may be fine for those who can, but pretty horrible for those who can’t, who happen to comprise a large proportion of society – how nice for them! So, here we are, all scrambling for power, however we can, and all very afraid we can’t. So, there’s an irony here; we’ve got rid of ‘afraid of God’, but we’re more fearful than ever.

As well as that, there’s no heart, and none of those stupid ‘irrational’ emotions that leave us so out of control, especially the really bad ones such as guilt and shame. We are taught to consider all emotions as ‘weak’ and a ‘strong’ person simply doesn’t have them. But strangely enough, when we have no heart, we have no courage or kindness or caring, because these come from the heart. So, that’s a bit of a problem, and the lack of courage, kindness and any caring is becoming increasingly apparent. We like to think that the more ‘machine-like’ we are, and ‘rational’ of course, the less we will have fear, but actually, there’s more of that around than ever. Also, if we don’t have a heart, life becomes somewhat heartless, and we’re doing this a lot, and plenty more to come. And we think this is OK, but I don’t agree. We need our hearts if we want to find out how to Flower and Become, so how can we Become without them? And the answer is, we can’t – we just wither.

The other thing about thinking that all Life is a Machine and comes from a Machine, is that we now think we know how to control it all, and can tweak it to our own purposes. And so we look to those who know how to do that, and think that they are very clever. Then they can tell us what to do, and they will care about us and keep us safe.

And what we humans have difficulty understanding is that we think of those people who are ‘in control’ as gods, and we worship them. We don’t query what they tell us; we just do as we are told, and we will be rescued from whatever we are afraid of. And in fact, we put them in charge, as a child puts its parents in charge, and stays a child. We start with our parents and shift that attention onto the ‘Mr. Bigs’ aka ‘the mighty’ of our world who vie for our attention via the Media. We humans really like to have others tell us how much they care about us, and have our concerns at their heart, and we really want this to be true. So, that’s what they do; they tell us all the time, over and over, and we believe them, and don’t query this. So, who are these gods that we worship and tacitly put in charge of us to keep us safe and care about us? But these gods are the ‘winners’ of ‘might is right’, and that means you are likely to be a ‘loser’, because winners take all, and we head straight back into Feudalism. So, the argument here is ‘watch out’. We humans seem to automatically look for someone ‘bigger’ to admire, emulate and worship, as these ‘Mr. Bigs’ tell us how much they ‘care about us’. Hence, we need to be very careful indeed about whom we worship.

And this is all starting to look like the first two commandments of the Ten Commandments. Worship God, and do not worship any gods of any kind under any circumstances. This is primarily because as we worship gods, so we look for the ‘biggest’, and so we go into competing and playing ‘winners and losers’ forever, and no-one is safe, ever. And that means Fear. I go into gods in greater detail in Part 3 of the book. I am arguing that the default of our Machine Thinking is that we now believe in and end up worshipping these gods or ‘Mr. Bigs’ who control this great Machine. Worshipping means that we are not querying them, or making sure that they actually do care about us ‘littlies’, because they don’t, which you might notice if you checked out what they actually do, ie, their behaviour or actions. They just know we like to be told that they care, as a kind of lullaby, so we will stay asleep. And we do.

Thus, I wish to make it quite clear that thinking that ‘it’s all a Machine in charge’ is a really bad idea, and does not fit in with either the human psyche, or indeed the properties of Energy, about which there is much more to come. So, none of this ‘Machine’ or ‘AI thinking’ is any use in finding our own Becoming, primarily because we end up defaulting to worshipping gods, and heading into no heart and no Love.

Hence, I suspect that God (for want of another name) is at the source here, simply because what God does actually fits in with our human psyche. We really are ‘Made in the Image’. And I will go on with that, the primary argument being that it is clear that a great deal of thought has gone into the design of human beings, and how they will live. As in, somebody has done this thinking ‘up front’. Hence, I am using the ‘God’ word in this discussion as a label for this ‘higher awareness’, but without the baggage and blame (hopefully) that we usually apply to this word.

And the rewards?

We are (finally) far more aware that you can’t teach people or animals properly if there are no rewards as far as they are concerned. Yes, you can cow them into obedience, but there’s no joy in that for anyone. ‘Later’ is not much good, and hypothetical is not much use either. We know that people cannot be creative or happy if they are afraid, and we also know that it is not possible to force any human or animal not to be afraid. You cannot train anyone with threats alone; it doesn’t work, and there’s no love here, full stop. There have to be rewards, and those rewards have to be valid and available for all, not just some. We search on, but we still have trouble sorting out just exactly what these might be, or how to find them.

In fact, there are rewards, and we can find them on Earth while we’re alive, and they are at the heart. Of course, they’re at the heart!  So, we had better have one, and not just ‘by accident’.

And the ‘Or Else’?

We don’t like being threatened with an ‘Or Else’, and we think that it is God who’s doing the punishing, but God is actually trying to warn us about how Energy works, but we want to go on doing as we please. We don’t understand that there are consequences for us from our own behaviour, because of the way that Energy works, and those consequences can be pretty hellish in their own right. There are indeed things to fear and to be careful about, so it would be a good idea to know what they are, and we can.

And last but not least in our current WWH ‘Explanation’ is, who can we blame? I’ve argued that Machines are ‘off the table’ and will not be considered, especially when we go into a default setting of worshipping gods instead, and I’m fairly sure that gods do not care very much about those ‘beneath’ them. There has to be a God that actually cares about us, because of our own human makeup, so then He can’t be shoving us around because that isn’t love. Love has to give choice; otherwise, it isn’t love. See also below in Choice (Section 4C). So, who/what is left to blame for doing this to poor little me?


But we still want to blame someone, because we’re assuming we didn’t choose to be here. Who would?

But all blaming leaves us powerless, by definition, and very sorry for ourselves. It also kills any potential relationship because it closes our hearts, and is hopeless for Becoming. I spell out the problems with blaming in more detail in Chapter 4A, but we need to fully understand that any Blaming stops us from being able to relate to Life or to learn from it, and hence being able to Become. Well, drat!

So, blaming anything is a problem if we wish to Become, which is what this book argues that humans absolutely want and need. To repeat, again, all our normal ‘Explanations’ about why we have a life on earth, are a blaming of whom or whatever put us here, as in, we think we have no choice. And it just makes us victims from the start, and full of Self-Pity, and we have plenty of this around; in spades, you might say.

But the problem is, who is there left to blame? It’s not a Machine, and we can’t blame God if we want the principle of Love to be operative in our lives, along with relationship. Nobody to blame is quite a problem! So, now what?

Well, the opposite of blaming someone else who is ‘forcing us to do whatever, and can’, is to consider that we ourselves might be at choice in the matter, or possibly some part of us that we don’t know about might be doing the choosing. And of course, this is taboo to mention, because it’s so mean to us poor little victims, and it seems as though we are blaming the victim. But we are not, and there is so much more explaining required, and this is only the beginning. But if we can come at considering that we may be at choice, even if we may not know how, then it opens us up to considering how we could be at choice, and maybe we could find out. It’s like the difference between being ‘dragged through a hedge backwards’, and turning around and wondering what there could be on the other side of the hedge. It also makes Life stacks more interesting as we start to explore these questions for ourselves. And this decision changes our whole attitude to Life and what it is for.

What we are exploring is the effect on ourselves of the world (outside us, ‘out there’), as well as our own affect (from our ‘within’) on the world (out there). To repeat; the world affects us, and we also affect our world. We do not and cannot understand our own effect on others, except by understanding how others affect us. We are not just on the receiving end; we’re ‘dishing out’ plenty ourselves, but we don’t necessarily understand just what it is that we are dishing out. But that doesn’t mean we’re not doing it. But the most important reason to consider that we are at choice, is that it is actually the way you get to find and recognize your own ‘powerfulness’ or ‘powers within’. However, this powerfulness is not a ‘power’ over or under the other, it’s your own power to make your own way as is right for you – your own ‘right living’. Yes, there are limitations, and yes, it can be difficult, but it is far more rewarding, and gives far more meaning to life. And with this meaning comes its usefulness, because it is possible to work out how to proceed in this journey of life, and how to find the pathway you wish to follow, as in, what to do using what you have now, that can get you to where you wish to get in the future, and those rewards of the heart. Blaming and being a victim is a formula for powerlessness, and no chance of any real point or meaning, or the rewards of achieving our heart’s desires. The thing about blaming something or someone else for whatever, is that it is much easier to do, rather than consider that you may be ‘at cause’, because then you will have to think to work out how that may be, or even be interested in such things. And thinking takes time, and effort.

In fact, this decision of whether to blame or not, is basically a primary choice in life. If you think Love has to be here, somehow or somewhere, which it is, then there has to be choice for you, somehow, somewhere. But it’s actually your choice as to what to think, and so it will be, as in, what you choose has consequences for you (as well as others).

But this still leaves us asking questions, and always coming back to Why are we Here? Why is Life/Energy like this, and not another way? Could it be another way, and so on? But one of the ways we can get underneath all of these concepts swirling around out there, is to ask ‘Is there a Root Cause(s) or a Bottom Line or Tin Tacks’ in all of this? And I think the answer is yes.

I consider that there are three primary factors which I will refer to as the Determining Factors (DFs). These factors are two particular properties of the many properties of Energy, along with the fact that Energy has an Observer, with Its own unique property, which interacts with said Energy properties. The point being that as we understand what these DFs are and how they work, so we can understand what so many teachers and teachings have been saying for millennia across so many different cultures. As we understand these things, so we know what to look for, and how to use them for our own purposes. And they make sense, and explain a lot of our puzzles, even if they seem a bit strange or ‘unheard of’ to us. In this manner, we have tools for giving ourselves and others Life and Love, which leads to Growth and Becoming.

There is Energy, and there is an Observer.

Energy has properties, some of which I will refer to as Principles which generate Laws. This Energy is vast and everywhere, and is actually pretty amazing stuff. After all, look what can be done with it; good, bad and everything in between. We know about some of its properties, as in Physics, but some are harder to spot because they are so much ‘just there’. We are made of Energy as is everything else, and we swim in this Energy as the fish swims in the water, but ‘the fish doesn’t know the water’. But we humans can know it, or some of it, and that info can help us navigate, because unlike fish, we have aspirations to navigate this water for our own purposes.

Energy has two particular properties that we don’t notice, but are there regardless, and working all the time. But first I will talk about the Observer.

The Observer of this Energy is aware of both this Energy, as well as itself. This means that the Observer who is made of this Energy, can also observe this Energy and think about it. This is actually a bit amazing that something made from this Energy is also sufficiently different from this Energy to be able to observe it and think about it. Such an ability implies two parts to the ‘thinking’ of this Observer; the part that is ‘inside’ or part of Energy, plus the part that is ‘outside’ Energy, such that it can observe it in the first place. This is how this Observer is able to think about Its own thinking, and thus It has a ‘higher awareness’.  (This is an extremely interesting thing in its own right, because it ultimately implies that Energy itself has ‘sentience’, which it does, and that puts the cat among the pigeons!) We actually don’t understand how important and how primary this ability is. It’s another of these properties that are ‘just there’ and taken for granted. However, it is through this higher awareness that this Observer has worked out how to have a really interesting, rewarding and delightful time exploring how this Energy works, and how these properties can be used by It for Its own purposes. And what really interests the Observer is this business of giving life to Life. This is called Creating. This is so interesting that the Observer/Creator goes on exploring just what can be done with all this Energy and Life. And then It has worked out how to make/form us humans, who have the same capacity to observe Energy and explore it as this Observer/Creator. Hence, ‘Made in the Image’. These humans are then able to do the same as the Observer/Creator in their own smaller way, such that,

  1. We humans can also explore, observe, and work out how to use this Energy in our own way as well, because it is so interesting and absorbing while we work it out, and
  2. The Creator gets to have partners to play with in a real relationship, with both working together to give life to Life and finding the rewards of this giving, which are Love and Delight, and high satisfaction with what can be done with this Energy. Notice that this Creator is making Its own family, and human beings do that too.

If these concepts are correct, then we can suppose that exploring and observing Energy, and finding out what we can do with it, could be pretty interesting and absorbing while we try to figure it all out. And it takes a fair dose of time to do so. And since the Observer/Creator knows perfectly well that it took a long time for It to work out how to work with Energy, it will take time for us humans to do this too. And so, the Observer/Creator allows for this, and also knows that no matter how long it does take, all of us humans will get there in the end, because It has, and humans are made from the Observer/Creator, and want to be and do the same. After all, the Observer/Creator goes on forever, which is quite a long time, and so do we, so there is actually plenty of time to find out, but it can be a bit uncomfortable at times. Then again, there are those rewards at the heart, which we humans tend to want – a lot.

And I consider this Observer/Creator to be what we call ‘God’.

Energy itself has many properties, but two in particular are of primary importance to us. These are;

  1. The Principle of the Opposites, and
  2. The Principle of the Mirrors.

There is a lot more to explain about both of them, and what they are doing, and I outline them in Part I, Foundations. The main thing to understand about them at this point is that they are there, regardless of whether we know about them or not. They do show up in various ways, eg, in the writings of Jung, and Katie, and I suspect, many of those supposedly ‘primitive’ or ‘natural’ societies. But the basics are that these properties act on us humans, and they can be used by you for your own purposes, once you understand what they do.

These Determining Factors as the ‘Root Causes’ or the ‘Tin Tacks’ make sense to me, and therefore it makes sense to me to find out a lot more about how Energy is working and what it does, as well as a lot more about this business of ‘higher awareness’, and what’s involved in that. Surely the more we understand what they might be, and how they work, and how they affect us and our lives, then the more we can use them for our own purposes, to find our own Path with Heart, and achieve our heart’s desires.

The upshot.

I consider our current WWH ‘Explanations’ as not only insufficient, but a major source of ‘stuckness’ as well, as in, they are not that useful to us human beings, particularly ‘Machine’ explanations. They actually stop us from having any concept of the information we need to Become, mostly because it leaves us searching in the wrong direction, which also stops us finding anything but things without heart or substance, and a lot of people very frustrated. But we don’t know Why. This is not a good thing. Our WWH ‘Explanations’ do not actually understand human psychology, or how the human psyche is built.

It is high time to forge a new ‘Explanation’ that is actually Useful, which is what this book is aiming at. I call it a Useful Understanding System; a UUS for the process of Becoming and finding love and delight in that, ie, the heart’s rewards. It requires no ‘believing anything’ for it to work, and it is set out so that you can test it for yourself. If there is meaning and point to having a life on Earth, then your life has value to you, as well as to Life itself. To repeat, the more we can understand why and how we’re here, the more we can work out for ourselves what to do, as well as what not to do, in the now, that will help us personally and socially in our future.

The book itself goes into a lot more detail about what is missing in our current ‘Explanation’ about WWH and how and why, including our hearts, Love, relationships and Life for starters. I consider it important to get them back in again, and not before time either. Our attitude to Life and Earth and our fellow ‘man’ come out of these current ‘Explanations’, and as we don’t like our Explanations, we hardly treat any of Life, Earth, Nature or humans very well. Time for a change.





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